Kuap. Ru - Balance sheet of the bank ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ ДЕПОЗИТНЫЙ БАНК, analysis of f.101

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • Belarussian banks - 39
  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 3071

On this page you can see detailed breakdown of aggregated balance sheet (analogue of f. 101 reported to Cenbtal Bank of Russia but with aggregated balance sheet item added). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Show data on: 
Incoming amount Turnover by  Outgoing amount
in roubles in foreign crnc.,
precious metals
total in roubles in foreign crnc.,
precious metals
total in roubles in foreign crnc.,
precious metals
    High liquid assets
        Cash and equivalents
                in cash and en route
20202 17 618 1 796 19 414 2 124 81 2 205 851 0 851
20209 0 0 0 11 000 0 11 000 0 0 0
                in exchange offices
                in operational cash offices
                in ATMs
                precious metals
                Cash on hand
            Nostro account with Central Bank
30102 117 763 0 117 763 117 625 0 117 625 387 0 387
            Cash and equivalents
            Other demand deposit
        Nostro accounts
30110 256 181 559 181 815 0 6 144 6 144 256 179 787 180 043
        Money in transfer
30221 0 60 762 60 762 0 0 0 0 60 762 60 762
30413 10 0 10 153 0 153 6 0 6
30424 819 0 819 5 444 0 5 444 0 0 0
30425 3 000 0 3 000 0 0 0 3 000 0 3 000
        Exchange accounts
47404 0 61 61 5 299 6 053 11 352 0 61 61
        Provision for impairment of high-liquid assets
30126 -180 106 0 -180 106 -194 0 -194 -179 929 0 -179 929
30226 -60 762 0 -60 762 0 0 0 -60 762 0 -60 762
    Interest-earning assets
        Dues from banks
            Central Bank of Russia
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                more than 180 days
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                more than 180 days
            Loans past-due
            Provision for impairment of loans to banks
            Loans to banks
                Federal Loan Bonds (OFZs), OBRs
                Corporate bonds
                Financial institutions bonds
                Foreign sovereign bonds
                Corporate foreign bonds
                Foreign financial institutions bonds
                Valuation allowance
                Pledged under REPO
                Provision for impairment of bonds
                Debt securities
            Promissory notes
                Foreign sovereign
                Corporate foreign
                Foreign banks
                Provision for impairment of promissory notes
                Promissory notes
                Valuation allowance
                Pledged under REPO
                Provision for impairment of stocks
            Trade securities
            Securities held for sale
            Provision for impairment of securities held for sale
            Securities held to maturity
            Provision for impairment of securities held to maturity
            Mutual funds
            Equity instruments
        Loans to corporate clients
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
45205 137 500 35 792 173 292 0 2 894 2 894 127 500 36 829 164 329
                up to 1 year
45206 1 271 045 487 170 1 758 215 0 38 948 38 948 1 159 945 499 887 1 659 832
                up to 3 years
45207 2 989 330 521 933 3 511 263 110 000 34 555 144 555 2 765 150 438 807 3 203 957
                more than 3 years
45208 98 011 0 98 011 0 0 0 97 911 0 97 911
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                up to 1 year
                up to 3 years
                more than 3 years
45606 0 8 176 8 176 0 660 660 0 8 412 8 412
            state-owned enterprises
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                up to 1 year
                up to 3 years
                more than 3 years
45812 197 095 0 197 095 178 950 0 178 950 376 045 0 376 045
45912 33 041 3 829 36 870 1 633 307 1 940 34 674 3 931 38 605
                state-owned enterprises
            Provision for impairment of corporate loans
45215 -2 491 864 0 -2 491 864 -274 953 0 -274 953 -4 999 215 0 -4 999 215
45615 -4 088 0 -4 088 0 0 0 -4 206 0 -4 206
                state-owned enterprises
            Loans to corporate clients
            Provision for impairment of corporate loans
        Loans to private entrepreneurs
            up to 30 days
            up to 180 days
            up to 1 year
            up to 3 years
            more than 3 years
            Provision for impairment of loans to private entrepreneurs
        Loans to individuals
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                up to 1 year
                up to 3 years
                more than 3 years
                Memo: mortgage loans
45815 1 024 0 1 024 0 0 0 1 024 0 1 024
45915 16 0 16 0 0 0 16 0 16
                Memo: mortgage loans past-due
            Provision for impairment of loans to individuals
            Loans to individuals
            Provision for impairment of loans to individuals
        Provision for impairment of loans past-due
45818 -197 902 0 -197 902 0 0 0 -375 383 0 -375 383
45918 -18 675 0 -18 675 -71 0 -71 -37 998 0 -37 998
        Provision for impairment of loans
        Loans and advances
            Provision for impairment of loans
            Past-due loans
    Other assets
        Mandatory reserves with Central Bank
30202 23 991 0 23 991 437 0 437 24 428 0 24 428
30204 36 076 0 36 076 0 0 0 33 957 0 33 957
        Premises and equipment
            Purchase cost
60401 7 873 0 7 873 0 0 0 7 873 0 7 873
61002 0 0 0 25 0 25 0 0 0
61008 262 0 262 354 0 354 262 0 262
61009 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 2
60601 -6 733 0 -6 733 0 0 0 -6 770 0 -6 770
            Property, plant and equipment
            Investment properties
        Accrued interest not yet received
47427 0 0 0 2 067 276 2 343 0 0 0
        Acquired claims
        Acquired claims secured by real estate
        Assets under management
        Non-current assets
        Other assets
47408 0 0 0 0 5 297 5 297 0 0 0
47423 1 030 0 1 030 68 0 68 1 039 0 1 039
60302 788 0 788 23 0 23 781 0 781
60306 0 0 0 1 565 0 1 565 0 0 0
60308 0 0 0 15 0 15 0 0 0
60310 12 0 12 176 0 176 17 0 17
60312 1 362 0 1 362 5 318 0 5 318 1 241 0 1 241
60314 0 0 0 0 12 12 0 0 0
60323 1 246 0 1 246 0 0 0 1 246 0 1 246
        Investments in subsidiaries
        Provision for impairment of other assets
47425 -95 163 0 -95 163 -14 413 0 -14 413 -99 075 0 -99 075
60324 -1 246 0 -1 246 0 0 0 -1 246 0 -1 246
        Other financial assets
        Provision for impairment of other financial assets
        Tax assets
            Current tax assets
            Deferred tax assets
        Premises, equipment and intangible assets
        Investment properties
        Derivatives - assets
        Deferred tax asset
61702 103 226 0 103 226 0 0 0 103 226 0 103 226
        Intangible assets
    Dues to banks
        On demand
            Central Bank of Russia
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                more than 180 days
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
31305 240 000 0 240 000 240 000 0 240 000 0 0 0
31306 0 115 874 115 874 0 116 481 116 481 0 0 0
                more than 180 days
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                more than 180 days
        Other dues to banks
        Dues to banks
    On demand
        Corporate clients
            State-owned enterprises
40602 919 0 919 2 0 2 917 0 917
40702 30 972 1 336 32 308 234 648 7 118 241 766 11 386 227 11 613
40703 12 4 16 0 0 0 12 4 16
40802 35 0 35 97 0 97 0 0 0
47405 0 0 0 6 034 6 037 12 071 0 0 0
40807 10 805 804 11 609 336 173 594 173 930 10 469 805 11 274
40814 172 0 172 0 0 0 172 0 172
            Corporate clients
42309 9 0 9 9 0 9 0 0 0
        Brokerage accounts
        Corporate clients
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                up to 1 year
                up to 3 years
                more than 3 years
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                up to 1 year
42505 0 3 629 3 629 0 273 273 0 3 624 3 624
                up to 3 years
42506 129 731 2 203 131 934 0 165 165 130 837 2 202 133 039
                more than 3 years
42507 264 960 0 264 960 0 0 0 264 960 0 264 960
            State-owned enterprises
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                up to 1 year
                up to 3 years
                more than 3 years
            corporate clients
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
42311 34 0 34 34 0 34 0 0 0
                up to 1 year
42313 34 0 34 0 0 0 34 0 34
                up to 3 years
42314 68 0 68 17 0 17 51 0 51
                more than 3 years
42315 179 0 179 94 0 94 85 0 85
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                up to 1 year
                up to 3 years
                more than 3 years
    Securities issued
        Promissory notes
            on demand
52301 49 070 0 49 070 0 0 0 49 070 0 49 070
            up to 30 days
            up to 180 days
52304 0 602 943 602 943 0 31 290 31 290 0 620 412 620 412
            more than 180 days
            up to 1 year
52305 0 176 515 176 515 0 176 592 176 592 0 0 0
            up to 3 years
52306 600 000 204 108 804 108 0 17 964 17 964 600 000 389 520 989 520
            more than 3 years
            Discount accrued
        Depositary certificates
            up to 30 days
            up to 180 days
            more than 180 days
        Securities issued
    Other liabilities
47407 0 0 0 5 289 0 5 289 0 0 0
47416 28 0 28 3 265 0 3 265 0 0 0
47422 0 0 0 354 630 0 354 630 0 0 0
60301 23 244 0 23 244 2 590 0 2 590 28 959 0 28 959
60305 127 0 127 8 062 0 8 062 8 0 8
60309 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 0
60311 113 0 113 117 0 117 126 0 126
        Accrued interest not yet paid
47426 40 680 0 40 680 1 608 249 1 857 42 326 0 42 326
52501 16 525 23 694 40 219 0 2 098 2 098 19 006 30 263 49 269
        Liabilities under accreditives
        Liabilities past-due
47418 0 0 0 5 693 0 5 693 0 0 0
        Tax liabilities
            Current tax liabilities
            Deferred tax liabilities
        Other financial liabilities
        Provision for other liabilities
        Subordinated debt
        Non-current liabilities
        Derivatives - liabilities
        Deferred tax liabilities
    Private clients deposits
    Corporate accounts
10208 538 160 0 538 160 0 0 0 538 160 0 538 160
10601 105 0 105 0 0 0 105 0 105
10701 135 961 0 135 961 0 0 0 135 961 0 135 961
        Profit from previous years
            Retained earnings from previous years
10801 266 694 0 266 694 0 0 0 266 694 0 266 694
            Distribution of previous years profit
        Current year profit
            Current year retained earnings
70601 6 035 242 0 6 035 242 0 0 0 6 243 371 0 6 243 371
70602 2 821 0 2 821 0 0 0 2 821 0 2 821
70603 3 058 610 0 3 058 610 0 0 0 3 192 568 0 3 192 568
70606 -6 175 752 0 -6 175 752 -2 949 379 0 -2 949 379 -9 125 060 0 -9 125 060
70607 -1 111 0 -1 111 0 0 0 -1 111 0 -1 111
70608 -3 135 876 0 -3 135 876 -135 273 0 -135 273 -3 271 149 0 -3 271 149
70611 -26 529 0 -26 529 -6 313 0 -6 313 -32 842 0 -32 842
70614 -1 125 0 -1 125 0 0 0 -1 125 0 -1 125
70615 52 025 0 52 025 0 0 0 52 025 0 52 025
            Distribution of current year profit
        Future expenses
61301 0 0 0 928 0 928 0 0 0
61304 164 0 164 68 0 68 101 0 101
61403 -1 281 0 -1 281 0 0 0 -1 265 0 -1 265
        Other capital sources
    Unused credit limits available
    Contingent liabilities
        Guarantees issued
91315 -1 491 166 0 -1 491 166 -37 514 0 -37 514 -1 700 436 0 -1 700 436
        Unused credit limits opened
        Unused guarantee limits
    Collateral on loans
91312 38 940 0 38 940 0 0 0 38 940 0 38 940
91311 635 260 0 635 260 635 260 0 635 260 0 0 0
        precious metals
    Unprocessed payments
        Due to lack of funds in bank
90904 0 0 0 6 245 0 6 245 0 0 0
        Due to lack of funds on client accounts
90902 443 894 0 443 894 3 510 0 3 510 283 304 0 283 304
    Other off-balance sheet accounts
        Accrued interest not yet received
91604 43 036 0 43 036 38 939 6 740 45 679 81 915 6 740 88 655
        Written-off interest
91704 -1 767 -3 854 -5 621 0 -312 -312 -1 767 -3 966 -5 733
        Written-off loans to banks
        Written-off loans
91802 -1 243 -7 096 -8 339 0 -574 -574 -1 243 -7 302 -8 545
    Credit card balances
    Past due ratio, total
    Past due ratio, individuals
    Past due ratio, corporates
    Past due ratio, entrepreneurs
    Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs
    Risk-weighted assets

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.