Kuap. Ru - Balance sheet of the bank ТЭМБР-БАНК, analysis of f.101

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • Belarussian banks - 39
  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 2764  retail fundingcomplies with 214-FZ (equity construction)

On this page you can see detailed breakdown of aggregated balance sheet (analogue of f. 101 reported to Cenbtal Bank of Russia but with aggregated balance sheet item added). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Show data on: 
Incoming amount Turnover by  Outgoing amount
in roubles in foreign crnc.,
precious metals
total in roubles in foreign crnc.,
precious metals
total in roubles in foreign crnc.,
precious metals
    High liquid assets
        Cash and equivalents
                in cash and en route
20202 113 915 295 712 409 627 1 495 371 175 495 1 670 866 96 778 317 243 414 021
20203 0 64 64 0 8 8 0 69 69
20209 3 004 1 842 4 846 799 750 102 448 902 198 4 674 1 876 6 550
                in exchange offices
                in operational cash offices
                in ATMs
20208 25 728 0 25 728 18 701 0 18 701 15 572 0 15 572
                precious metals
                Cash on hand
            Nostro account with Central Bank
30102 341 529 0 341 529 24 028 342 0 24 028 342 195 017 0 195 017
            Cash and equivalents
            Other demand deposit
        Nostro accounts
30114 0 10 182 10 182 0 158 214 158 214 0 4 196 4 196
30110 16 398 80 472 96 870 27 927 66 851 94 778 13 760 54 778 68 538
30118 0 27 27 0 2 2 0 27 27
        Money in transfer
30221 0 0 0 0 2 653 2 653 0 0 0
30233 211 0 211 6 935 2 650 9 585 144 16 160
        Exchange accounts
        Provision for impairment of high-liquid assets
30126 -3 304 0 -3 304 0 0 0 -3 304 0 -3 304
    Interest-earning assets
        Dues from banks
            Central Bank of Russia
31902 0 0 0 700 000 0 700 000 0 0 0
                up to 30 days
32002 980 000 0 980 000 15 660 000 0 15 660 000 1 200 000 0 1 200 000
32003 0 0 0 3 650 000 0 3 650 000 0 0 0
32201 3 265 0 3 265 0 0 0 3 265 0 3 265
                up to 180 days
                more than 180 days
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                more than 180 days
            Loans past-due
            Provision for impairment of loans to banks
32027 0 0 0 2 273 0 2 273 0 0 0
32028 -2 273 0 -2 273 -2 273 0 -2 273 -3 110 0 -3 110
            Loans to banks
                Federal Loan Bonds (OFZs), OBRs
50205 234 292 0 234 292 1 450 0 1 450 230 212 0 230 212
                Corporate bonds
                Financial institutions bonds
                Foreign sovereign bonds
                Corporate foreign bonds
                Foreign financial institutions bonds
                Valuation allowance
50220 0 0 0 0 0 0 -19 0 -19
50221 19 792 0 19 792 19 0 19 17 120 0 17 120
                Pledged under REPO
                Provision for impairment of bonds
                Debt securities
            Promissory notes
51513 298 837 0 298 837 730 0 730 99 567 0 99 567
                Foreign sovereign
                Corporate foreign
                Foreign banks
                Provision for impairment of promissory notes
51528 0 0 0 619 0 619 0 0 0
51529 -926 0 -926 -618 0 -618 -309 0 -309
                Promissory notes
                Valuation allowance
                Pledged under REPO
                Provision for impairment of stocks
            Trade securities
            Securities held for sale
            Provision for impairment of securities held for sale
            Securities held to maturity
            Provision for impairment of securities held to maturity
            Mutual funds
            Equity instruments
        Loans to corporate clients
                up to 30 days
45201 284 368 0 284 368 509 603 0 509 603 253 779 0 253 779
                up to 180 days
45204 0 0 0 17 170 0 17 170 17 170 0 17 170
45205 157 605 0 157 605 95 393 0 95 393 252 998 0 252 998
                up to 1 year
45107 505 238 0 505 238 6 172 0 6 172 508 760 0 508 760
45206 181 852 0 181 852 260 500 0 260 500 391 506 0 391 506
                up to 3 years
45207 918 961 0 918 961 26 245 0 26 245 892 306 0 892 306
                more than 3 years
45208 298 869 0 298 869 789 0 789 299 123 0 299 123
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                up to 1 year
                up to 3 years
                more than 3 years
            state-owned enterprises
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                up to 1 year
                up to 3 years
                more than 3 years
45812 85 944 0 85 944 0 0 0 85 944 0 85 944
45912 16 013 0 16 013 901 0 901 16 013 0 16 013
                state-owned enterprises
            Provision for impairment of corporate loans
45115 -2 299 0 -2 299 -114 0 -114 -2 299 0 -2 299
45117 -5 302 0 -5 302 0 0 0 -6 608 0 -6 608
45215 -53 589 0 -53 589 -42 117 0 -42 117 -65 901 0 -65 901
45216 43 397 0 43 397 19 467 0 19 467 33 640 0 33 640
45217 -32 190 0 -32 190 -35 425 0 -35 425 -51 871 0 -51 871
                state-owned enterprises
            Loans to corporate clients
            Provision for impairment of corporate loans
        Loans to private entrepreneurs
            up to 30 days
            up to 180 days
            up to 1 year
45406 10 968 0 10 968 2 400 0 2 400 12 318 0 12 318
            up to 3 years
45407 291 973 0 291 973 2 800 0 2 800 290 661 0 290 661
            more than 3 years
            Provision for impairment of loans to private entrepreneurs
45415 -365 0 -365 0 0 0 -365 0 -365
45416 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 0 0
45417 -3 478 0 -3 478 -10 0 -10 -3 720 0 -3 720
        Loans to individuals
                up to 30 days
45509 86 0 86 209 0 209 68 0 68
                up to 180 days
                up to 1 year
                up to 3 years
45506 851 409 0 851 409 6 730 0 6 730 844 331 0 844 331
                more than 3 years
45507 451 217 28 439 479 656 571 3 215 3 786 430 980 29 883 460 863
45706 1 815 0 1 815 0 0 0 1 812 0 1 812
                Memo: mortgage loans
45815 181 606 1 904 183 510 3 192 297 3 489 184 355 2 112 186 467
45915 10 966 285 11 251 1 546 81 1 627 11 947 316 12 263
                Memo: mortgage loans past-due
            Provision for impairment of loans to individuals
45515 -7 425 0 -7 425 -159 0 -159 -24 664 0 -24 664
45523 165 0 165 12 986 0 12 986 10 238 0 10 238
45524 -87 741 0 -87 741 -2 932 0 -2 932 -108 739 0 -108 739
            Loans to individuals
            Provision for impairment of loans to individuals
        Provision for impairment of loans past-due
45818 -229 643 0 -229 643 -41 716 0 -41 716 -193 662 0 -193 662
45820 22 809 0 22 809 3 325 0 3 325 13 426 0 13 426
45821 -3 510 0 -3 510 -12 708 0 -12 708 -3 244 0 -3 244
45918 -21 692 0 -21 692 -361 0 -361 -23 595 0 -23 595
45920 2 834 0 2 834 2 661 0 2 661 4 202 0 4 202
45921 -324 0 -324 -1 293 0 -1 293 -378 0 -378
        Provision for impairment of loans
        Loans and advances
            Provision for impairment of loans
            Past-due loans
    Other assets
        Mandatory reserves with Central Bank
30202 70 996 0 70 996 10 714 0 10 714 81 710 0 81 710
        Premises and equipment
            Purchase cost
60401 191 764 0 191 764 0 0 0 191 764 0 191 764
60404 15 014 0 15 014 0 0 0 15 014 0 15 014
60804 23 306 0 23 306 0 0 0 23 306 0 23 306
60901 12 246 0 12 246 1 112 0 1 112 13 358 0 13 358
60906 0 0 0 1 112 0 1 112 0 0 0
61002 131 0 131 134 0 134 154 0 154
61008 277 0 277 337 0 337 448 0 448
61009 100 0 100 47 0 47 114 0 114
61210 0 0 0 200 000 0 200 000 0 0 0
61905 1 302 006 0 1 302 006 5 727 0 5 727 1 307 733 0 1 307 733
61907 72 596 0 72 596 39 344 0 39 344 111 940 0 111 940
61908 495 965 0 495 965 0 0 0 495 965 0 495 965
60414 -97 374 0 -97 374 0 0 0 -97 802 0 -97 802
60805 -6 912 0 -6 912 0 0 0 -7 848 0 -7 848
60903 -6 680 0 -6 680 0 0 0 -6 838 0 -6 838
            Property, plant and equipment
            Investment properties
        Accrued interest not yet received
47427 164 563 908 165 471 48 410 393 48 803 174 385 961 175 346
47502 36 920 0 36 920 3 300 0 3 300 34 720 0 34 720
        Acquired claims
        Acquired claims secured by real estate
        Assets under management
        Non-current assets
        Other assets
30301 -1 191 -4 234 -5 425 -101 121 -49 289 -150 410 -3 111 -598 -3 709
30302 1 191 4 234 5 425 103 041 45 653 148 694 3 111 598 3 709
30305 -1 361 651 -3 597 -1 365 248 -124 588 -44 900 -169 488 -1 342 631 -6 655 -1 349 286
30306 1 361 651 3 597 1 365 248 105 568 47 958 153 526 1 342 631 6 655 1 349 286
47421 215 0 215 32 963 0 32 963 2 720 0 2 720
47423 775 410 5 775 415 8 347 5 8 352 775 452 6 775 458
47443 84 532 0 84 532 1 199 0 1 199 84 767 0 84 767
47447 8 735 0 8 735 3 330 0 3 330 8 328 0 8 328
47452 -16 769 0 -16 769 -3 706 0 -3 706 -14 394 0 -14 394
60302 30 978 0 30 978 733 0 733 31 711 0 31 711
60308 112 0 112 450 0 450 115 0 115
60310 0 0 0 415 0 415 0 0 0
60312 76 524 0 76 524 9 823 0 9 823 78 091 0 78 091
60314 0 826 826 0 20 20 0 252 252
60323 31 642 0 31 642 1 870 0 1 870 33 461 0 33 461
60336 610 0 610 488 0 488 831 0 831
        Investments in subsidiaries
        Provision for impairment of other assets
47425 -401 497 0 -401 497 -17 363 0 -17 363 -423 753 0 -423 753
47465 270 078 0 270 078 9 773 0 9 773 255 398 0 255 398
47466 -4 310 0 -4 310 -24 653 0 -24 653 -6 606 0 -6 606
60324 -50 411 0 -50 411 -833 0 -833 -53 228 0 -53 228
60351 45 0 45 0 0 0 0 0 0
60352 -16 0 -16 -16 0 -16 -20 0 -20
        Other financial assets
        Provision for impairment of other financial assets
        Tax assets
            Current tax assets
            Deferred tax assets
        Premises, equipment and intangible assets
        Investment properties
        Derivatives - assets
        Deferred tax asset
61703 108 705 0 108 705 0 0 0 108 705 0 108 705
        Intangible assets
    Dues to banks
        On demand
            Central Bank of Russia
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                more than 180 days
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                more than 180 days
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                more than 180 days
        Other dues to banks
30220 0 2 888 2 888 18 526 77 501 96 027 0 0 0
30223 2 668 0 2 668 474 538 0 474 538 18 853 0 18 853
        Dues to banks
    On demand
        Corporate clients
            State-owned enterprises
405 5 0 5 0 0 0 5 0 5
406 463 0 463 693 0 693 501 0 501
43601 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
407 833 980 1 390 456 2 224 436 5 554 407 1 299 575 6 853 982 957 874 316 768 1 274 642
408.1 124 575 205 124 780 313 644 14 870 328 514 120 735 215 120 950
40821 2 195 0 2 195 5 853 0 5 853 2 218 0 2 218
40901 13 867 0 13 867 11 294 0 11 294 7 516 0 7 516
40905 0 0 0 328 0 328 0 0 0
40909 0 0 0 1 667 208 1 875 0 0 0
40911 8 194 0 8 194 66 373 0 66 373 903 0 903
40912 0 0 0 1 445 323 1 768 0 0 0
43701 16 0 16 0 0 0 16 0 16
43801 3 483 0 3 483 14 0 14 3 489 0 3 489
43901 28 0 28 0 0 0 28 0 28
47405 1 0 1 0 3 368 3 368 1 0 1
40805 13 0 13 0 0 0 13 0 13
40807 7 001 289 080 296 081 147 302 24 152 171 454 7 403 1 233 676 1 241 079
40814 3 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 3
40910 0 0 0 42 34 76 0 0 0
40913 0 0 0 158 949 1 107 0 0 0
44001 10 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 10
            Corporate clients
40817 306 724 215 250 521 974 446 335 86 022 532 357 297 404 210 027 507 431
42301 3 779 72 770 76 549 11 373 11 324 22 697 3 929 91 712 95 641
42309 639 554 1 193 25 30 55 632 587 1 219
40820 8 946 9 660 18 606 991 2 168 3 159 9 680 9 634 19 314
42601 136 12 148 1 0 1 135 13 148
42609 9 6 15 0 1 1 9 6 15
        Brokerage accounts
30601 17 0 17 1 0 1 16 0 16
        Corporate clients
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
42003 20 000 0 20 000 20 000 0 20 000 0 0 0
42103 11 000 0 11 000 7 050 0 7 050 13 000 0 13 000
42104 32 200 0 32 200 23 040 0 23 040 24 400 0 24 400
                up to 1 year
42105 34 000 0 34 000 0 0 0 34 000 0 34 000
                up to 3 years
42106 9 020 0 9 020 0 0 0 9 020 0 9 020
42113 2 000 0 2 000 0 0 0 2 000 0 2 000
42206 2 500 0 2 500 0 0 0 2 500 0 2 500
                more than 3 years
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
42503 147 000 0 147 000 147 000 0 147 000 147 000 0 147 000
                up to 1 year
                up to 3 years
                more than 3 years
            State-owned enterprises
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                up to 1 year
                up to 3 years
                more than 3 years
            corporate clients
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                up to 1 year
42305 73 990 0 73 990 0 0 0 73 990 0 73 990
                up to 3 years
42306 4 199 999 99 401 4 299 400 201 103 8 639 209 742 4 178 655 101 882 4 280 537
                more than 3 years
42307 788 401 265 788 666 0 13 13 788 435 278 788 713
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                up to 1 year
                up to 3 years
42606 7 350 0 7 350 0 0 0 7 350 0 7 350
                more than 3 years
42607 3 940 0 3 940 0 0 0 3 940 0 3 940
    Securities issued
        Promissory notes
            on demand
            up to 30 days
            up to 180 days
            more than 180 days
            up to 1 year
            up to 3 years
            more than 3 years
52307 11 349 0 11 349 0 0 0 11 367 0 11 367
            Discount accrued
        Depositary certificates
            up to 30 days
52403 4 000 0 4 000 0 0 0 4 000 0 4 000
            up to 180 days
            more than 180 days
        Securities issued
    Other liabilities
30232 0 2 2 27 020 10 934 37 954 0 2 2
30236 0 0 0 27 533 10 506 38 039 0 0 0
47407 0 0 0 2 725 115 2 754 950 5 480 065 0 0 0
47416 606 270 876 18 169 6 023 24 192 199 207 406
47422 774 0 774 1 501 0 1 501 773 0 773
47424 457 0 457 30 124 0 30 124 2 841 0 2 841
47441 67 689 0 67 689 2 346 0 2 346 66 541 0 66 541
47444 1 237 0 1 237 2 295 0 2 295 2 521 0 2 521
47445 858 0 858 1 008 0 1 008 1 212 0 1 212
47446 0 0 0 34 0 34 0 0 0
47450 -1 549 0 -1 549 -494 0 -494 -1 265 0 -1 265
47451 -1 232 0 -1 232 0 0 0 -1 198 0 -1 198
60301 2 666 0 2 666 2 445 0 2 445 3 071 0 3 071
60305 25 051 0 25 051 16 153 0 16 153 24 289 0 24 289
60307 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
60309 4 914 0 4 914 382 0 382 4 885 0 4 885
60311 274 0 274 3 673 0 3 673 81 0 81
60322 58 0 58 61 0 61 61 0 61
60335 9 399 0 9 399 5 581 0 5 581 8 260 0 8 260
60806 16 460 0 16 460 1 022 0 1 022 15 522 0 15 522
        Accrued interest not yet paid
47411 116 148 434 116 582 34 831 42 34 873 109 126 550 109 676
47426 984 0 984 995 0 995 894 0 894
47501 35 231 0 35 231 1 541 0 1 541 36 990 0 36 990
52405 390 0 390 0 0 0 390 0 390
        Liabilities under accreditives
        Liabilities past-due
        Tax liabilities
            Current tax liabilities
            Deferred tax liabilities
        Other financial liabilities
        Provision for other liabilities
        Subordinated debt
        Non-current liabilities
        Derivatives - liabilities
        Deferred tax liabilities
61701 83 917 0 83 917 0 0 0 83 917 0 83 917
    Private clients deposits
    Corporate accounts
10207 1 329 776 0 1 329 776 76 0 76 1 329 776 0 1 329 776
10601 116 591 0 116 591 0 0 0 116 591 0 116 591
10602 15 981 0 15 981 0 0 0 15 981 0 15 981
10603 19 792 0 19 792 2 691 0 2 691 17 120 0 17 120
10605 0 0 0 -19 0 -19 -19 0 -19
10610 -27 659 0 -27 659 0 0 0 -27 659 0 -27 659
10701 254 500 0 254 500 0 0 0 254 500 0 254 500
        Profit from previous years
            Retained earnings from previous years
10801 162 746 0 162 746 0 0 0 180 275 0 180 275
10901 -605 0 -605 0 0 0 -605 0 -605
70801 17 529 0 17 529 17 529 0 17 529 0 0 0
            Distribution of previous years profit
        Current year profit
            Current year retained earnings
70601 2 013 257 0 2 013 257 4 091 0 4 091 2 331 932 0 2 331 932
70603 2 528 379 0 2 528 379 0 0 0 2 829 297 0 2 829 297
70604 24 0 24 0 0 0 27 0 27
70606 -1 782 326 0 -1 782 326 -351 064 0 -351 064 -2 132 592 0 -2 132 592
70608 -2 524 780 0 -2 524 780 -300 143 0 -300 143 -2 824 923 0 -2 824 923
70609 -14 0 -14 -2 0 -2 -16 0 -16
70611 -3 795 0 -3 795 -219 0 -219 -3 281 0 -3 281
70615 58 908 0 58 908 0 0 0 58 908 0 58 908
70616 -46 834 0 -46 834 0 0 0 -46 834 0 -46 834
            Distribution of current year profit
        Future expenses
        Other capital sources
    Unused credit limits available
91417 300 000 0 300 000 0 0 0 300 000 0 300 000
    Contingent liabilities
        Guarantees issued
91315 -497 003 0 -497 003 -24 140 0 -24 140 -538 143 0 -538 143
        Unused credit limits opened
91317 -79 274 0 -79 274 -1 051 366 0 -1 051 366 -28 340 0 -28 340
        Unused guarantee limits
    Collateral on loans
91312 6 191 234 0 6 191 234 100 252 0 100 252 6 379 612 0 6 379 612
91311 17 068 0 17 068 0 0 0 17 068 0 17 068
        precious metals
    Unprocessed payments
        Due to lack of funds in bank
        Due to lack of funds on client accounts
90902 469 993 5 773 475 766 199 185 575 199 760 586 256 6 064 592 320
    Other off-balance sheet accounts
        Accrued interest not yet received
        Written-off interest
91704 -146 303 -53 963 -200 266 0 -5 770 -5 770 -131 231 -57 150 -188 381
        Written-off loans to banks
        Written-off loans
91802 -161 548 -150 040 -311 588 0 -16 461 -16 461 -131 531 -159 393 -290 924
91803 -27 813 0 -27 813 0 0 0 -27 813 0 -27 813
    Credit card balances
    Past due ratio, total
    Past due ratio, individuals
    Past due ratio, corporates
    Past due ratio, entrepreneurs
    Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs
    Risk-weighted assets

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.