Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of ТВЕРСКОЙ КОММЕРЧЕСКИЙ БАНК КБЦ, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • Belarussian banks - 39
  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 914

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 290 321 283 225 7 096 292 432 290 590 1 842 7 365 -5 254
High liquid assets 54 574 47 976 6 598 45 520 44 163 1 357 -3 813 -5 241
Interest-earning assets 64 526 64 028 498 76 348 75 863 485 11 835 -13
  Dues from banks 548 50 498 20 535 20 050 485 20 000 -13
  Loans to corporate clients 55 421 55 421 - 47 150 47 150 - -8 271 -  
     residents 67 110 67 110 - 57 600 57 600 - -9 510 -
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -11 689 -11 689 - -10 450 -10 450 - 1 239 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 3 333 3 333 - 3 339 3 339 - 6 -
  Loans to individuals 5 224 5 224 - 5 324 5 324 - 100 -  
Other assets 171 221 171 221 - 170 564 170 564 - -657 -
LIABILITIES 104 152 102 193 1 959 107 627 107 460 167 5 267 -1 792
On demand 83 147 81 407 1 740 85 935 85 796 139 4 389 -1 601
  Corporate clients 82 169 80 492 1 677 85 290 85 156 134 4 664 -1 543
  Individuals 978 915 63 645 640 5 -275 -58
Term 20 214 20 000 214 20 028 20 000 28 - -186
  Corporate clients 20 000 20 000 - 20 000 20 000 - - -  
  Individuals 214 - 214 28 - 28 - -186  
Other liabilities 791 786 5 1 664 1 664 - 878 -5
EQUITY 186 169 186 169 - 184 805 184 805 - -1 364 -
        Capital 214 812 214 812 - 214 812 214 812 - - -
        Profit from previous years -21 803 -21 803 - -21 803 -21 803 - - -
          Retained earnings from previous years -21 803 -21 803 - -21 803 -21 803 - - -
        Current year profit -5 778 -5 778 - -7 238 -7 238 - -1 460 -
          Current year retained earnings -5 778 -5 778 - -7 238 -7 238 - -1 460 -
        Future expenses -1 062 -1 062 - -966 -966 - 96 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 106 830 106 830 - 89 929 89 929 - -16 901 -
Contingent liabilities -4 434 -4 434 - -4 433 -4 433 - 1 -
Collateral on loans 111 561 111 561 - 94 660 94 660 - -16 901 -
Other off-balance sheet accounts -297 -297 - -298 -298 - -1 -
Past due ratio, total 211 211 -0 239 239 -0 28 -0
Past due ratio, individuals - - - 9 9 -0 9 -0
Past due ratio, entrepreneurs 3 333 3 333 -0 3 333 3 333 -0 - -
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 232 232 -0 267 267 -0 35 -0
Past-due rate: 2,11% 2,11% - 2,39% 2,39% - 0,28% 0,00%  
corporate clients: 2,32% 2,32% - 2,67% 2,67% - 0,35% 0,00%  
individuals: 0,00% 0,00% - 0,09% 0,09% - 0,09% 0,00%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.