Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of МОСКОВСКИЙ ИНДУСТРИАЛЬНЫЙ БАНК, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • Belarussian banks - 39
  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 912  under resolutionCB RF representativecomplies with 214-FZ (equity construction)complies with 213-FZ (work with state companies)complies with 185-FZ (work with housing and utilities infrastructure)

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 234 948 378 223 198 749 11 749 629 228 885 371 222 215 650 6 669 721 -983 099 -5 079 908
High liquid assets 9 734 383 8 448 732 1 285 651 10 710 639 7 650 724 3 059 915 -798 008 1 774 264
Interest-earning assets 208 110 374 197 686 563 10 423 811 207 201 353 198 297 877 8 903 476 611 314 -1 520 335
  Dues from banks 2 620 552 599 999 2 020 553 - - - -599 999 -2 020 553
  Securities 124 055 528 118 976 200 5 079 328 124 581 579 119 004 509 5 577 070 28 309 497 742
     Bonds 123 974 320 118 894 992 5 079 328 124 493 422 118 916 352 5 577 070 21 360 497 742  
     Stocks 81 208 81 208 - 88 157 88 157 - 6 949 -
  Loans to corporate clients 43 999 293 40 757 085 3 242 208 45 298 879 42 058 169 3 240 710 1 301 084 -1 498  
     residents 33 449 000 32 949 003 499 997 34 999 841 34 602 227 397 614 1 653 224 -102 383
     non-residents 3 097 433 1 409 294 1 688 139 3 160 500 1 409 294 1 751 206 - 63 067
     state-owned enterprises 8 502 336 8 502 336 - 8 071 139 8 071 139 - -431 197 -
     Past-due 109 326 223 108 272 151 1 054 072 109 366 216 108 274 326 1 091 890 2 175 37 818
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -110 375 699 -110 375 699 - -110 298 817 -110 298 817 - 76 882 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 247 131 247 131 - 244 625 244 625 - -2 506 -
  Loans to individuals 37 187 870 37 106 148 81 722 37 076 270 36 990 574 85 696 -115 574 3 974  
Other assets 17 103 621 17 063 454 40 167 10 973 379 16 267 049 -5 293 670 -796 405 -5 333 837
LIABILITIES 233 253 154 222 582 619 10 670 535 234 625 011 223 489 192 11 135 819 906 573 465 284
Dues to banks 67 660 357 67 657 776 2 581 71 681 171 71 679 592 1 579 4 021 816 -1 002
  On demand 156 431 153 850 2 581 31 471 30 102 1 369 -123 748 -1 212
  Term 67 503 926 67 503 926 - 71 649 490 71 649 490 - 4 145 564 -
     Central Bank of Russia 59 394 59 394 - 59 091 59 091 - -303 -
     Residents 67 444 532 67 444 532 - 71 590 399 71 590 399 - 4 145 867 -
        Other dues to banks - - - 210 - 210 - 210
On demand 54 086 550 48 451 130 5 635 420 52 987 311 46 674 618 6 312 693 -1 776 512 677 273
  Corporate clients 22 008 213 19 233 237 2 774 976 22 602 304 19 311 462 3 290 842 78 225 515 866
  Individuals 32 078 200 29 217 756 2 860 444 30 384 871 27 363 020 3 021 851 -1 854 736 161 407
  Brokerage accounts 137 137 - 136 136 - -1 -
Term 108 477 657 103 449 181 5 028 476 105 491 645 100 680 521 4 811 124 -2 768 660 -217 352
  Corporate clients 13 012 281 12 654 254 358 027 9 194 026 8 896 830 297 196 -3 757 424 -60 831  
  Individuals 95 465 376 90 794 927 4 670 449 96 297 619 91 783 691 4 513 928 988 764 -156 521  
Securities issued 6 308 6 308 - 6 290 6 290 - -18 -
  Promissory notes 1 210 1 210 - 1 210 1 210 - - -  
  Depositary certificates 5 098 5 098 - 5 080 5 080 - -18 -
Other liabilities 3 022 282 3 018 224 4 058 4 458 594 4 448 171 10 423 1 429 947 6 365
EQUITY 1 695 224 1 695 224 - -5 739 639 -5 739 639 - -7 434 863 -
        Capital 4 718 699 4 718 699 - 5 117 054 5 117 054 - 398 355 -
        Profit from previous years 13 547 211 13 547 211 - -12 696 687 -12 696 687 - -26 243 898 -
          Retained earnings from previous years 13 547 211 13 547 211 - -12 696 687 -12 696 687 - -26 243 898 -
        Current year profit -16 570 686 -16 570 686 - 1 839 994 1 839 994 - 18 410 680 -
          Current year retained earnings -16 570 686 -16 570 686 - 1 839 994 1 839 994 - 18 410 680 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 97 496 095 96 893 203 602 892 98 576 347 97 956 282 620 065 1 063 079 17 173
Unused credit limits available 18 864 - 18 864 19 441 - 19 441 - 577
Contingent liabilities -56 712 567 -56 470 247 -242 320 -51 668 653 -51 417 381 -251 272 5 052 866 -8 952
Collateral on loans 132 954 140 132 125 944 828 196 128 569 636 127 715 805 853 831 -4 410 139 25 635
Unprocessed payments 22 746 744 22 746 744 - 23 167 081 23 167 081 - 420 337 -
Other off-balance sheet accounts -1 511 086 -1 509 238 -1 848 -1 511 158 -1 509 223 -1 935 15 -87
Credit card balances 107 488 107 103 385 111 025 110 648 377 3 545 -8
Past due ratio, total 5 781 5 821 -40 5 750 5 787 -37 -34 3
Past due ratio, individuals 819 801 18 837 818 19 18 0
Past due ratio, corporates 7 082 7 164 -82 7 029 7 107 -78 -57 4
Past due ratio, entrepreneurs 8 547 8 547 0 8 508 8 508 0 -39 0
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 7 095 7 177 -82 7 042 7 119 -77 -58 5
Past-due rate: 57,81% 58,21% 34,16% 57,50% 57,87% 35,39% -0,34% 1,23%  
corporate clients: 70,95% 71,77% 32,51% 70,42% 71,19% 33,69% -0,58% 1,18%  
individuals: 8,19% 8,01% 99,53% 8,37% 8,18% 99,56% 0,18% 0,03%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.