Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of ЮГРА, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • Belarussian banks - 39
  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 880  under resolutionretail fundingCB RF representativecomplies with 214-FZ (equity construction)complies with 213-FZ (work with state companies)complies with 185-FZ (work with housing and utilities infrastructure)

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 260 457 911 130 733 420 129 724 491 244 369 175 136 554 412 107 814 763 5 820 992 -21 909 728
High liquid assets 9 982 803 8 756 587 1 226 216 12 136 922 10 732 480 1 404 442 1 975 893 178 226
Interest-earning assets 205 489 247 79 687 606 125 801 641 189 181 410 85 590 330 103 591 080 5 902 724 -22 210 561
  Dues from banks 100 100 - - - - -100 -
  Securities 22 22 - 19 336 023 14 277 260 5 058 763 14 277 238 5 058 763
     Stocks 22 22 - 19 336 023 14 277 260 5 058 763 14 277 238 5 058 763
  Loans to corporate clients 205 246 382 79 577 663 125 668 719 169 655 943 71 266 004 98 389 939 -8 311 659 -27 278 780  
     residents 255 865 870 130 310 185 125 555 685 252 887 620 154 615 853 98 271 767 24 305 668 -27 283 918
     non-residents 113 034 - 113 034 118 172 - 118 172 - 5 138
     state-owned enterprises 4 000 000 4 000 000 - - - - -4 000 000 -
     Past-due 872 218 872 218 - 774 976 774 976 - -97 242 -
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -55 604 740 -55 604 740 - -84 124 825 -84 124 825 - -28 520 085 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 938 938 - 3 3 - -935 -
  Loans to individuals 241 805 108 883 132 922 189 441 47 063 142 378 -61 820 9 456  
Other assets 44 985 861 42 289 227 2 696 634 43 050 843 40 231 602 2 819 241 -2 057 625 122 607
LIABILITIES 235 503 712 161 518 228 73 985 484 209 496 777 160 689 554 48 807 223 -828 674 -25 178 261
Dues to banks 6 827 6 827 - 3 034 2 450 584 -4 377 584
        Other dues to banks 6 827 6 827 - 3 034 2 450 584 -4 377 584
On demand 15 123 994 10 757 283 4 366 711 14 620 133 11 114 925 3 505 208 357 642 -861 503
  Corporate clients 6 667 141 4 656 183 2 010 958 5 867 274 4 970 467 896 807 314 284 -1 114 151
  Individuals 8 456 328 6 100 575 2 355 753 8 751 616 6 143 215 2 608 401 42 640 252 648
  Brokerage accounts 525 525 - 1 243 1 243 - 718 -
Term 203 051 929 146 425 449 56 626 480 176 675 535 144 684 193 31 991 342 -1 741 256 -24 635 138
  Corporate clients 30 204 985 5 340 141 24 864 844 757 644 751 557 6 087 -4 588 584 -24 858 757  
  Individuals 172 846 944 141 085 308 31 761 636 175 917 891 143 932 636 31 985 255 2 847 328 223 619  
Securities issued 572 211 236 743 335 468 775 683 522 400 253 283 285 657 -82 185
  Promissory notes 572 211 236 743 335 468 775 683 522 400 253 283 285 657 -82 185  
Other liabilities 16 748 751 4 091 926 12 656 825 17 422 392 4 365 586 13 056 806 273 660 399 981
EQUITY 24 954 199 24 954 197 2 34 872 398 34 392 811 479 587 9 438 614 479 585
        Capital 19 738 395 19 738 395 - 44 811 883 44 811 883 - 25 073 488 -
        Profit from previous years 4 693 597 4 693 597 - 4 693 597 4 693 597 - - -
          Retained earnings from previous years 4 693 597 4 693 597 - 4 693 597 4 693 597 - - -
        Current year profit 609 026 609 026 - -16 424 148 -16 424 148 - -17 033 174 -
          Current year retained earnings 609 026 609 026 - -16 424 148 -16 424 148 - -17 033 174 -
        Future expenses -86 819 -86 821 2 1 791 066 1 311 479 479 587 1 398 300 479 585
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 209 955 105 213 094 674 -3 139 569 219 106 785 220 712 979 -1 606 194 7 618 305 1 533 375
Unused credit limits available 18 592 18 592 - 18 592 18 592 - - -
Contingent liabilities -13 399 521 -10 216 355 -3 183 166 -12 054 410 -10 424 277 -1 630 133 -207 922 1 553 033
Collateral on loans 220 552 887 220 548 869 4 018 227 946 241 227 942 039 4 202 7 393 170 184
Unprocessed payments 2 448 450 2 443 954 4 496 2 991 518 2 986 734 4 784 542 780 288
Other off-balance sheet accounts 334 697 299 614 35 083 204 844 189 891 14 953 -109 723 -20 130
Credit card balances 2 703 2 538 165 4 398 3 141 1 257 603 1 092
Past due ratio, total 39 68 -29 36 53 -17 -15 12
Past due ratio, individuals 3 626 2 060 1 566 4 183 2 525 1 658 465 92
Past due ratio, corporates 33 65 -32 31 50 -19 -15 13
Past due ratio, entrepreneurs 1 249 1 249 0 10 000 10 000 - 8 751 -0
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 33 65 -32 31 50 -19 -15 13
Risk-weighted assets 328 493 050 328 493 050 - 348 644 530 348 644 530 - 20 151 480 -
Past-due rate: 0,39% 0,68% 0,07% 0,36% 0,53% 0,10% -0,15% 0,03%  
corporate clients: 0,33% 0,65% 0,00% 0,31% 0,50% 0,00% -0,15% 0,00%  
individuals: 34,40% 17,78% 66,30% 39,78% 21,83% 66,37% 4,05% 0,07%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.