Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of УРАЛТРАНСБАНК, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • Belarussian banks - 39
  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 812  retail fundingCB RF representativecomplies with 214-FZ (equity construction)

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 9 797 167 9 447 701 349 466 8 926 549 8 599 690 326 859 -848 011 -22 607
High liquid assets 920 220 733 616 186 604 630 677 461 129 169 548 -272 487 -17 056
Interest-earning assets 6 836 257 6 679 069 157 188 6 301 487 6 149 664 151 823 -529 405 -5 365
  Dues from banks 3 600 000 3 600 000 - 3 169 999 3 169 999 - -430 001 -
  Securities 232 163 232 163 - 232 163 232 163 - - -
          Mutual funds 232 163 232 163 - 232 163 232 163 - - -
  Loans to corporate clients 1 687 632 1 536 311 151 321 1 634 683 1 488 533 146 150 -47 778 -5 171  
     residents 1 813 768 1 800 255 13 513 1 817 433 1 804 544 12 889 4 289 -624
     non-residents 137 808 - 137 808 133 261 - 133 261 - -4 547
     Past-due 606 372 606 372 - 610 063 610 063 - 3 691 -
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -870 316 -870 316 - -926 074 -926 074 - -55 758 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 395 834 389 967 5 867 379 129 373 456 5 673 -16 511 -194
  Loans to individuals 920 628 920 628 - 885 513 885 513 - -35 115 -  
Other assets 2 040 690 2 035 016 5 674 1 994 385 1 988 897 5 488 -46 119 -186
LIABILITIES 9 139 322 8 936 730 202 592 8 344 486 8 171 587 172 899 -765 143 -29 693
Dues to banks 8 644 8 644 - 342 342 - -8 302 -
        Other dues to banks 8 644 8 644 - 342 342 - -8 302 -
On demand 1 302 751 1 263 224 39 527 1 111 346 1 074 147 37 199 -189 077 -2 328
  Corporate clients 837 819 829 416 8 403 699 592 689 079 10 513 -140 337 2 110
  Individuals 464 932 433 808 31 124 411 754 385 068 26 686 -48 740 -4 438
Term 7 747 472 7 589 363 158 109 7 131 016 7 000 230 130 786 -589 133 -27 323
  Corporate clients 209 209 - 209 209 - - -  
  Individuals 7 747 263 7 589 154 158 109 7 130 807 7 000 021 130 786 -589 133 -27 323  
Securities issued 37 37 - 37 37 - - -
  Promissory notes 37 37 - 37 37 - - -  
Other liabilities 80 418 75 462 4 956 101 745 96 831 4 914 21 369 -42
EQUITY 657 845 657 845 - 582 063 582 063 - -75 782 -
        Capital 880 582 880 582 - 878 666 878 666 - -1 916 -
        Profit from previous years 119 645 119 645 - 121 561 121 561 - 1 916 -
          Retained earnings from previous years 119 645 119 645 - 121 561 121 561 - 1 916 -
        Current year profit -337 345 -337 345 - -413 684 -413 684 - -76 339 -
          Current year retained earnings -337 345 -337 345 - -413 684 -413 684 - -76 339 -
        Future expenses -5 037 -5 037 - -4 480 -4 480 - 557 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 5 031 404 5 098 870 -67 466 5 675 045 5 740 206 -65 161 641 336 2 305
Contingent liabilities -170 778 -170 778 - -202 712 -202 712 - -31 934 -
Collateral on loans 4 697 341 4 697 341 - 4 660 461 4 660 461 - -36 880 -
Unprocessed payments 2 392 063 2 390 413 1 650 3 087 354 3 085 758 1 596 695 345 -54
Other off-balance sheet accounts -1 887 222 -1 818 106 -69 116 -1 870 058 -1 803 301 -66 757 14 805 2 359
Credit card balances 106 496 106 496 - 104 606 104 606 - -1 890 -
Past due ratio, total 2 553 2 635 -82 2 605 2 688 -83 52 -0
Past due ratio, individuals 2 514 2 514 -0 2 661 2 661 0 146 1
Past due ratio, corporates 2 371 2 520 -149 2 382 2 527 -145 7 4
Past due ratio, entrepreneurs 3 531 3 458 73 3 605 3 532 73 74 0
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 2 568 2 686 -118 2 584 2 699 -115 13 3
Risk-weighted assets 7 588 855 7 588 855 - - - - -7 588 855 -
Past-due rate: 25,53% 26,35% 3,73% 26,05% 26,88% 3,74% 0,52% 0,00%  
corporate clients: 25,68% 26,86% 3,73% 25,84% 26,99% 3,74% 0,13% 0,00%  
individuals: 25,14% 25,14% - 26,61% 26,61% - 1,46% 0,00%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.