Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of ФИНАНСЫ И КРЕДИТ (ФІНАНСИ ТА КРЕДИТ), analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • Belarussian banks - 39
  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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National Bank of Ukraine license number: 28

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in national crnc. in foreign crnc. in national crnc. in foreign crnc. Change, national currency Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 102 828 379 61 299 918 41 528 461 86 289 909 64 322 106 21 967 803 3 022 187 -19 560 657
High liquid assets 8 525 831 8 525 831 -0 9 151 868 9 151 868 -0 626 037 0
Interest-earning assets 92 559 193 51 030 734 41 528 459 75 237 845 53 270 042 21 967 803 2 239 308 -19 560 656
  Dues from banks 24 741 - 24 741 36 220 - 36 220 - 11 479
  Securities 3 569 726 3 578 036 -8 310 4 729 751 4 739 564 -9 813 1 161 528 -1 503
  Loans to corporate clients 70 805 960 43 995 601 26 810 359 62 917 977 45 776 014 17 141 963 1 780 413 -9 668 396  
  Loans to individuals 18 158 766 3 457 097 14 701 669 7 553 897 2 754 464 4 799 433 -702 633 -9 902 236  
Other assets 1 743 355 1 743 353 2 1 900 196 1 900 196 0 156 842 -1
LIABILITIES 94 437 071 48 134 469 46 302 602 98 936 336 53 653 494 45 282 842 5 519 025 -1 019 760
Dues to banks 24 276 997 18 187 193 6 089 804 28 819 273 21 762 397 7 056 876 3 575 204 967 072
        Dues to banks 24 276 997 18 187 193 6 089 804 28 819 273 21 762 397 7 056 876 3 575 204 967 072
On demand 23 758 023 10 564 850 13 193 173 21 817 886 9 790 127 12 027 759 -774 723 -1 165 414
  Corporate clients 7 483 057 6 574 366 908 691 7 690 514 6 383 578 1 306 936 -190 788 398 245
  Individuals 16 274 966 3 990 484 12 284 482 14 127 372 3 406 549 10 720 823 -583 935 -1 563 659
Term 41 415 762 14 396 136 27 019 626 43 132 093 16 933 886 26 198 207 2 537 750 -821 419
  Corporate clients 12 773 638 4 161 279 8 612 359 5 373 880 4 255 094 1 118 786 93 815 -7 493 573  
  Individuals 28 642 124 10 234 857 18 407 267 37 758 213 12 678 793 25 079 420 2 443 936 6 672 153  
Other liabilities 4 986 289 4 986 289 -0 5 167 084 5 167 084 0 180 794 1
EQUITY 8 391 305 8 391 305 -0 -12 646 427 -12 646 427 -0 -21 037 732 0
        Capital 14 371 093 14 371 094 -1 16 741 161 16 741 161 0 2 370 067 1
        Profit from previous years -5 979 788 -5 979 788 0 -29 387 588 -29 387 588 -0 -23 407 799 -1
          Retained earnings from previous years -5 979 788 -5 979 788 0 -29 387 588 -29 387 588 -0 -23 407 799 -1
Past-due rate: 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00%  
corporate clients: 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00%  
individuals: 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.