Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of СОЛИДАРНОСТЬ, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
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  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 554  under resolutionunder resolution

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 67 287 705 57 269 306 10 018 399 65 777 187 57 157 380 8 619 807 -111 926 -1 398 592
High liquid assets 4 299 874 3 092 189 1 207 685 3 529 519 2 850 235 679 284 -241 954 -528 401
Interest-earning assets 58 071 995 51 812 902 6 259 093 57 352 057 51 961 948 5 390 109 149 046 -868 984
  Dues from banks 7 410 703 6 912 036 498 667 6 651 100 6 134 440 516 660 -777 596 17 993
  Securities 14 645 477 14 645 477 - 14 339 920 14 339 920 - -305 557 -
     Bonds 11 895 262 11 895 262 - 11 589 705 11 589 705 - -305 557 -  
     Stocks 1 1 - 1 1 - - -
          Mutual funds 2 750 214 2 750 214 - 2 750 214 2 750 214 - - -
  Loans to corporate clients 31 081 751 25 321 924 5 759 827 31 324 255 26 451 307 4 872 948 1 129 383 -886 879  
     residents 22 548 938 22 064 229 484 709 22 732 870 22 225 164 507 706 160 935 22 997
     non-residents 7 779 869 2 504 751 5 275 118 7 922 665 3 557 423 4 365 242 1 052 672 -909 876
     state-owned enterprises 86 449 86 449 - 86 449 86 449 - - -
     Past-due 6 182 943 6 182 943 - 6 190 813 6 190 813 - 7 870 -
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -5 516 448 -5 516 448 - -5 608 542 -5 608 542 - -92 094 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 1 340 036 1 340 036 - 1 367 546 1 367 546 - 27 510 -
  Loans to individuals 3 594 028 3 593 429 599 3 669 236 3 668 735 501 75 306 -98  
Other assets 4 915 836 2 364 215 2 551 621 4 895 611 2 345 197 2 550 414 -19 018 -1 207
LIABILITIES 50 272 582 44 909 412 5 363 170 49 030 009 43 419 504 5 610 505 -1 489 908 247 335
Dues to banks 4 570 298 1 082 089 3 488 209 4 340 672 685 313 3 655 359 -396 776 167 150
  On demand 90 694 4 578 86 116 94 027 4 513 89 514 -65 3 398
  Term 4 479 604 1 077 511 3 402 093 4 220 755 680 800 3 539 955 -396 711 137 862
     Residents 4 311 465 1 077 511 3 233 954 4 047 471 680 800 3 366 671 -396 711 132 717
     Non-residents 168 139 - 168 139 173 284 - 173 284 - 5 145
        Other dues to banks - - - 25 890 - 25 890 - 25 890
On demand 6 318 428 5 847 420 471 008 5 899 227 5 404 551 494 676 -442 869 23 668
  Corporate clients 3 975 985 3 689 856 286 129 3 711 799 3 411 876 299 923 -277 980 13 794
  Individuals 2 342 432 2 157 553 184 879 2 187 417 1 992 664 194 753 -164 889 9 874
  Brokerage accounts 11 11 - 11 11 - - -
Term 38 221 544 36 826 612 1 394 932 37 565 783 36 109 394 1 456 389 -717 218 61 457
  Corporate clients 7 300 354 7 199 339 101 015 6 466 143 6 360 335 105 808 -839 004 4 793  
  Individuals 30 921 190 29 627 273 1 293 917 31 099 640 29 749 059 1 350 581 121 786 56 664  
Securities issued 141 040 141 040 - 141 040 141 040 - - -
        Bonds 40 40 - 40 40 - - -  
  Promissory notes 141 000 141 000 - 141 000 141 000 - - -  
Other liabilities 1 021 272 1 012 251 9 021 1 083 287 1 079 206 4 081 66 955 -4 940
EQUITY 17 015 123 17 015 123 - 16 747 178 16 747 178 - -267 945 -
        Capital 15 604 904 15 604 904 - 15 326 250 15 326 250 - -278 654 -
        Profit from previous years 719 512 719 512 - 1 334 009 1 334 009 - 614 497 -
          Retained earnings from previous years 719 512 719 512 - 1 334 009 1 334 009 - 614 497 -
        Current year profit 690 707 690 707 - 86 919 86 919 - -603 788 -
          Current year retained earnings 690 707 690 707 - 86 919 86 919 - -603 788 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 25 957 891 26 349 909 -392 018 26 932 683 27 322 549 -389 866 972 640 2 152
Contingent liabilities -12 669 617 -12 100 822 -568 795 -11 914 231 -11 339 199 -575 032 761 623 -6 237
Collateral on loans 36 818 547 36 640 798 177 749 36 963 478 36 777 294 186 184 136 496 8 435
Unprocessed payments 2 379 212 2 379 212 - 2 453 733 2 453 733 - 74 521 -
Other off-balance sheet accounts -570 251 -569 279 -972 -570 297 -569 279 -1 018 - -46
Credit card balances 3 430 3 195 235 20 101 19 976 125 16 781 -110
Past due ratio, total 2 105 2 423 -318 2 087 2 345 -258 -78 60
Past due ratio, individuals 5 115 5 114 1 5 076 5 076 -0 -38 -1
Past due ratio, corporates 1 689 2 005 -316 1 676 1 931 -255 -74 61
Past due ratio, entrepreneurs 411 411 0 406 406 0 -5 0
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 1 641 1 934 -293 1 628 1 864 -236 -70 57
Risk-weighted assets 79 956 482 79 956 482 - 79 092 982 79 092 982 - -863 500 -
Past-due rate: 21,05% 24,23% 0,01% 20,87% 23,45% 0,01% -0,78% 0,00%  
corporate clients: 16,41% 19,34% 0,00% 16,28% 18,64% 0,00% -0,70% 0,00%  
individuals: 51,15% 51,14% 60,77% 50,76% 50,76% 75,05% -0,38% 14,28%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.