Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of ТАТСОЦБАНК, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • Belarussian banks - 39
  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 480  complies with 214-FZ (equity construction)complies with 213-FZ (work with state companies)

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 35 870 456 35 131 648 738 808 34 526 279 33 765 771 760 508 -1 365 877 21 700
High liquid assets 3 387 355 2 649 297 738 058 2 933 275 2 173 517 759 758 -475 780 21 700
Interest-earning assets 31 175 494 31 175 494 - 30 253 290 30 253 290 - -922 204 -
  Dues from banks 17 497 277 17 497 277 - 16 898 509 16 898 509 - -598 768 -
  Loans to corporate clients 9 330 027 9 330 027 - 9 039 133 9 039 133 - -290 894 -  
     residents 9 429 451 9 429 451 - 9 132 783 9 132 783 - -296 668 -
     Past-due 113 383 113 383 - 113 602 113 602 - 219 -
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -212 807 -212 807 - -207 252 -207 252 - 5 555 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 294 500 294 500 - 292 696 292 696 - -1 804 -
  Loans to individuals 4 053 690 4 053 690 - 4 022 952 4 022 952 - -30 738 -  
Other assets 1 307 607 1 306 857 750 1 339 714 1 338 964 750 32 107 -
LIABILITIES 25 808 411 25 071 560 736 851 24 302 211 23 557 575 744 636 -1 513 985 7 785
Dues to banks 147 626 147 626 - 300 038 300 038 - 152 412 -
  Term 147 626 147 626 - 300 038 300 038 - 152 412 -
     Central Bank of Russia 147 626 147 626 - 300 038 300 038 - 152 412 -
On demand 18 869 358 18 411 416 457 942 17 418 951 16 966 718 452 233 -1 444 698 -5 709
  Corporate clients 17 007 453 16 914 539 92 914 15 530 871 15 460 033 70 838 -1 454 506 -22 076
  Individuals 1 861 905 1 496 877 365 028 1 888 080 1 506 685 381 395 9 808 16 367
Term 6 557 723 6 280 826 276 897 6 281 949 5 991 914 290 035 -288 912 13 138
  Corporate clients 2 674 394 2 674 394 - 2 371 207 2 371 207 - -303 187 -  
  Individuals 3 883 329 3 606 432 276 897 3 910 742 3 620 707 290 035 14 275 13 138  
Other liabilities 233 704 231 692 2 012 301 273 298 905 2 368 67 213 356
EQUITY 10 062 045 10 062 045 - 10 224 067 10 224 067 - 162 022 -
        Capital 4 476 190 4 476 190 - 4 476 190 4 476 190 - - -
        Profit from previous years 4 708 241 4 708 241 - 5 572 163 5 572 163 - 863 922 -
          Retained earnings from previous years 4 708 241 4 708 241 - 5 572 163 5 572 163 - 863 922 -
        Current year profit 877 614 877 614 - 175 714 175 714 - -701 900 -
          Current year retained earnings 877 614 877 614 - 175 714 175 714 - -701 900 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 3 722 682 3 732 860 -10 178 4 427 849 4 438 509 -10 660 705 649 -482
Contingent liabilities -11 205 237 -11 193 871 -11 366 -11 020 592 -11 008 687 -11 905 185 184 -539
Collateral on loans 14 695 802 14 694 614 1 188 15 200 087 15 198 842 1 245 504 228 57
Unprocessed payments 282 769 282 769 - 298 931 298 931 - 16 162 -
Other off-balance sheet accounts -50 652 -50 652 - -50 577 -50 577 - 75 -
Credit card balances 6 828 6 828 - 7 240 7 240 - 412 -
Past due ratio, total 148 148 -0 153 153 0 5 0
Past due ratio, individuals 224 224 -0 229 229 0 5 0
Past due ratio, corporates 119 119 0 123 123 0 4 -0
Past due ratio, entrepreneurs - 0 -0 - 0 -0 0 -0
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 115 115 -0 119 119 -0 4 0
Risk-weighted assets 24 136 346 24 136 346 - 23 257 135 23 257 135 - -879 211 -
Past-due rate: 1,48% 1,48% - 1,53% 1,53% - 0,05% 0,00%  
corporate clients: 1,15% 1,15% - 1,19% 1,19% - 0,04% 0,00%  
individuals: 2,24% 2,24% - 2,29% 2,29% - 0,05% 0,00%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.