Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of СЛАВЯНСКИЙ БАНК, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
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  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 383

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 11 903 432 10 709 490 1 193 942 12 659 545 11 453 788 1 205 757 744 298 11 815
High liquid assets 1 088 507 893 510 194 997 1 336 703 1 120 351 216 352 226 841 21 355
Interest-earning assets 9 295 477 8 415 862 879 615 9 839 734 8 943 949 895 785 528 087 16 170
  Dues from banks 611 607 597 400 14 207 1 152 017 1 137 400 14 617 540 000 410
  Securities 4 924 860 4 853 549 71 311 4 674 128 4 600 843 73 285 -252 706 1 974
     Bonds 3 592 874 3 592 874 - 3 577 027 3 577 027 - -15 847 -  
     Promissory notes 142 644 142 644 - 161 357 161 357 - 18 713 -  
     Stocks 1 189 342 1 118 031 71 311 935 744 862 459 73 285 -255 572 1 974
  Loans to corporate clients 3 054 392 2 706 504 347 888 3 305 328 2 953 822 351 506 247 318 3 618  
     residents 2 888 409 2 674 599 213 810 3 069 187 2 852 693 216 494 178 094 2 684
     non-residents 104 487 508 103 979 101 935 508 101 427 - -2 552
     state-owned enterprises 50 000 50 000 - 80 000 80 000 - 30 000 -
     Past-due 167 286 137 187 30 099 204 033 170 448 33 585 33 261 3 486
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -155 790 -155 790 - -149 827 -149 827 - 5 963 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 126 090 126 090 - 147 358 147 358 - 21 268 -
  Loans to individuals 680 140 233 931 446 209 685 255 228 878 456 377 -5 053 10 168  
        Provision for impairment of loans past-due -101 612 -101 612 - -124 352 -124 352 - -22 740 -
Other assets 1 519 448 1 400 118 119 330 1 483 108 1 389 488 93 620 -10 630 -25 710
LIABILITIES 10 699 656 8 355 771 2 343 885 11 458 854 9 174 781 2 284 073 819 010 -59 812
Dues to banks 970 724 845 332 125 392 1 529 214 1 418 309 110 905 572 977 -14 487
  On demand 198 911 121 943 76 968 176 889 115 153 61 736 -6 790 -15 232
  Term 768 059 723 389 44 670 1 345 288 1 303 140 42 148 579 751 -2 522
     Residents 767 147 723 389 43 758 1 303 471 1 262 246 41 225 538 857 -2 533
     Non-residents 912 - 912 41 817 40 894 923 40 894 11
        Other dues to banks 3 754 - 3 754 7 037 16 7 021 16 3 267
On demand 3 387 149 2 985 207 401 942 3 840 521 3 318 232 522 289 333 025 120 347
  Corporate clients 2 704 186 2 589 657 114 529 3 152 254 2 906 067 246 187 316 410 131 658
  Individuals 679 421 392 008 287 413 684 491 408 389 276 102 16 381 -11 311
  Brokerage accounts 3 542 3 542 - 3 776 3 776 - 234 -
Term 5 577 557 3 784 500 1 793 057 5 351 253 3 724 655 1 626 598 -59 845 -166 459
  Corporate clients 1 087 377 1 050 447 36 930 848 331 786 023 62 308 -264 424 25 378  
  Individuals 4 490 180 2 734 053 1 756 127 4 502 922 2 938 632 1 564 290 204 579 -191 837  
Securities issued 507 377 502 529 4 848 481 396 477 479 3 917 -25 050 -931
        Bonds 169 200 169 200 - 169 200 169 200 - - -  
  Promissory notes 338 177 333 329 4 848 312 196 308 279 3 917 -25 050 -931  
Other liabilities 256 849 238 203 18 646 256 470 236 106 20 364 -2 097 1 718
EQUITY 1 203 776 1 203 776 - 1 200 691 1 200 691 - -3 085 -
        Capital 862 194 862 194 - 865 933 865 933 - 3 739 -
        Profit from previous years 364 539 364 539 - 364 539 364 539 - - -
          Retained earnings from previous years 364 539 364 539 - 364 539 364 539 - - -
        Current year profit 17 960 17 960 - 1 351 1 351 - -16 609 -
          Current year retained earnings 17 960 17 960 - 1 351 1 351 - -16 609 -
        Future expenses -40 917 -40 917 - -31 132 -31 132 - 9 785 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 3 420 603 3 561 124 -140 521 2 909 390 3 048 106 -138 716 -513 018 1 805
Contingent liabilities -1 497 349 -1 359 486 -137 863 -1 607 792 -1 471 397 -136 395 -111 911 1 468
Collateral on loans 4 905 557 4 901 857 3 700 4 511 050 4 507 259 3 791 -394 598 91
Other off-balance sheet accounts 12 395 18 753 -6 358 6 132 12 244 -6 112 -6 509 246
Credit card balances 16 317 9 581 6 736 19 175 11 485 7 690 1 904 954
Past due ratio, total 450 458 -8 506 513 -7 55 1
Past due ratio, individuals 201 433 -232 194 354 -160 -79 72
Past due ratio, corporates 521 479 42 591 549 42 70 0
Past due ratio, entrepreneurs 25 25 -0 15 15 -0 -10 0
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 502 460 42 567 525 42 65 0
Past-due rate: 4,50% 4,58% 4,20% 5,06% 5,13% 4,77% 0,55% 0,58%  
corporate clients: 5,02% 4,60% 8,65% 5,67% 5,25% 9,55% 0,65% 0,90%  
individuals: 2,01% 4,33% 0,72% 1,94% 3,54% 1,09% -0,79% 0,37%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.