Kuap. Ru - Balance sheet of the bank СВЕНСКА ХАНДЕЛЬСБАНКЕН, analysis of f.101

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • Belarussian banks - 39
  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 3455

On this page you can see detailed breakdown of aggregated balance sheet (analogue of f. 101 reported to Cenbtal Bank of Russia but with aggregated balance sheet item added). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Show data on: 
Incoming amount Turnover by  Outgoing amount
in roubles in foreign crnc.,
precious metals
total in roubles in foreign crnc.,
precious metals
total in roubles in foreign crnc.,
precious metals
    High liquid assets
        Cash and equivalents
                in cash and en route
                in exchange offices
                in operational cash offices
                in ATMs
                precious metals
                Cash on hand
            Nostro account with Central Bank
30102 199 528 0 199 528 19 466 0 19 466 171 915 0 171 915
            Cash and equivalents
            Other demand deposit
        Nostro accounts
30114 580 362 10 196 590 558 0 635 635 580 362 10 440 590 802
30110 1 184 0 1 184 3 900 0 3 900 1 955 0 1 955
        Money in transfer
        Exchange accounts
        Provision for impairment of high-liquid assets
    Interest-earning assets
        Dues from banks
            Central Bank of Russia
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                more than 180 days
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                more than 180 days
            Loans past-due
            Provision for impairment of loans to banks
            Loans to banks
                Federal Loan Bonds (OFZs), OBRs
                Corporate bonds
                Financial institutions bonds
                Foreign sovereign bonds
                Corporate foreign bonds
                Foreign financial institutions bonds
                Valuation allowance
                Pledged under REPO
                Provision for impairment of bonds
                Debt securities
            Promissory notes
                Foreign sovereign
                Corporate foreign
                Foreign banks
                Provision for impairment of promissory notes
                Promissory notes
                Valuation allowance
                Pledged under REPO
                Provision for impairment of stocks
            Trade securities
            Securities held for sale
            Provision for impairment of securities held for sale
            Securities held to maturity
            Provision for impairment of securities held to maturity
            Mutual funds
            Equity instruments
        Loans to corporate clients
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                up to 1 year
47005 3 668 0 3 668 0 0 0 3 668 0 3 668
47105 86 0 86 0 0 0 86 0 86
                up to 3 years
                more than 3 years
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                up to 1 year
                up to 3 years
                more than 3 years
            state-owned enterprises
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                up to 1 year
                up to 3 years
                more than 3 years
45008 14 660 0 14 660 0 0 0 14 660 0 14 660
                state-owned enterprises
            Provision for impairment of corporate loans
47008 -183 0 -183 0 0 0 -183 0 -183
47108 -86 0 -86 0 0 0 -86 0 -86
                state-owned enterprises
45015 -3 079 0 -3 079 0 0 0 -3 079 0 -3 079
            Loans to corporate clients
            Provision for impairment of corporate loans
        Loans to private entrepreneurs
            up to 30 days
            up to 180 days
            up to 1 year
            up to 3 years
            more than 3 years
            Provision for impairment of loans to private entrepreneurs
        Loans to individuals
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                up to 1 year
                up to 3 years
                more than 3 years
45507 502 0 502 0 0 0 477 0 477
                Memo: mortgage loans
                Memo: mortgage loans past-due
            Provision for impairment of loans to individuals
45515 -251 0 -251 -12 0 -12 -239 0 -239
            Loans to individuals
            Provision for impairment of loans to individuals
        Provision for impairment of loans past-due
        Provision for impairment of loans
        Loans and advances
            Provision for impairment of loans
            Past-due loans
    Other assets
        Mandatory reserves with Central Bank
30202 1 344 0 1 344 0 0 0 1 224 0 1 224
30204 55 0 55 0 0 0 52 0 52
        Premises and equipment
            Purchase cost
60401 45 353 0 45 353 0 0 0 25 947 0 25 947
61002 83 0 83 0 0 0 83 0 83
61209 0 0 0 19 729 0 19 729 0 0 0
60601 -33 765 0 -33 765 -13 466 0 -13 466 -20 481 0 -20 481
            Property, plant and equipment
            Investment properties
        Accrued interest not yet received
47427 18 0 18 41 0 41 56 0 56
        Acquired claims
        Acquired claims secured by real estate
        Assets under management
        Non-current assets
        Other assets
30301 -2 502 475 -2 384 926 -4 887 401 -4 720 404 -4 767 283 -9 487 687 -142 273 0 -142 273
30302 2 502 475 2 384 926 4 887 401 2 360 202 2 382 357 4 742 559 142 273 0 142 273
47408 0 0 0 0 799 799 0 0 0
60302 1 448 0 1 448 15 0 15 1 463 0 1 463
60308 0 0 0 8 0 8 0 0 0
60312 294 0 294 1 896 0 1 896 325 0 325
60323 0 0 0 8 0 8 0 0 0
        Investments in subsidiaries
        Provision for impairment of other assets
47425 -4 0 -4 0 0 0 -12 0 -12
60324 -152 0 -152 0 0 0 -152 0 -152
        Other financial assets
        Provision for impairment of other financial assets
        Tax assets
            Current tax assets
            Deferred tax assets
        Premises, equipment and intangible assets
        Investment properties
        Derivatives - assets
        Deferred tax asset
        Intangible assets
    Dues to banks
        On demand
            Central Bank of Russia
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                more than 180 days
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                more than 180 days
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                more than 180 days
        Other dues to banks
        Dues to banks
    On demand
        Corporate clients
            State-owned enterprises
40702 200 1 128 1 328 124 834 958 76 351 427
40807 83 116 199 0 3 3 83 119 202
            Corporate clients
        Brokerage accounts
        Corporate clients
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                up to 1 year
                up to 3 years
                more than 3 years
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                up to 1 year
42505 10 100 0 10 100 10 100 0 10 100 0 0 0
                up to 3 years
42506 10 100 0 10 100 10 100 0 10 100 0 0 0
                more than 3 years
            State-owned enterprises
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                up to 1 year
                up to 3 years
                more than 3 years
            corporate clients
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                up to 1 year
                up to 3 years
                more than 3 years
                up to 30 days
                up to 180 days
                up to 1 year
                up to 3 years
                more than 3 years
    Securities issued
        Promissory notes
            on demand
            up to 30 days
            up to 180 days
            more than 180 days
            up to 1 year
            up to 3 years
            more than 3 years
            Discount accrued
        Depositary certificates
            up to 30 days
            up to 180 days
            more than 180 days
        Securities issued
    Other liabilities
47407 0 0 0 791 0 791 0 0 0
47416 0 0 0 19 265 79 19 344 0 0 0
60301 0 0 0 835 0 835 0 0 0
60305 0 0 0 3 909 0 3 909 0 0 0
60309 4 0 4 0 0 0 58 0 58
60311 0 0 0 186 0 186 0 0 0
        Accrued interest not yet paid
47426 266 0 266 287 0 287 0 0 0
        Liabilities under accreditives
        Liabilities past-due
        Tax liabilities
            Current tax liabilities
            Deferred tax liabilities
        Other financial liabilities
        Provision for other liabilities
        Subordinated debt
        Non-current liabilities
        Derivatives - liabilities
        Deferred tax liabilities
    Private clients deposits
    Corporate accounts
10207 700 005 0 700 005 0 0 0 700 005 0 700 005
10602 44 017 0 44 017 0 0 0 44 017 0 44 017
10701 24 856 0 24 856 0 0 0 24 856 0 24 856
        Profit from previous years
            Retained earnings from previous years
10801 154 060 0 154 060 0 0 0 154 060 0 154 060
            Distribution of previous years profit
        Current year profit
            Current year retained earnings
70601 44 961 0 44 961 0 0 0 67 638 0 67 638
70603 1 600 112 0 1 600 112 0 0 0 1 603 274 0 1 603 274
70606 -157 422 0 -157 422 -39 117 0 -39 117 -196 539 0 -196 539
70608 -1 600 637 0 -1 600 637 -2 937 0 -2 937 -1 603 574 0 -1 603 574
            Distribution of current year profit
        Future expenses
61403 -10 688 0 -10 688 0 0 0 -5 943 0 -5 943
        Other capital sources
    Unused credit limits available
    Contingent liabilities
        Guarantees issued
91315 -105 0 -105 0 0 0 -105 0 -105
        Unused credit limits opened
        Unused guarantee limits
    Collateral on loans
        precious metals
    Unprocessed payments
        Due to lack of funds in bank
        Due to lack of funds on client accounts
90902 1 515 0 1 515 0 0 0 1 515 0 1 515
    Other off-balance sheet accounts
        Accrued interest not yet received
        Written-off interest
        Written-off loans to banks
        Written-off loans
91802 -1 826 -2 -1 828 0 0 0 -1 826 -2 -1 828
    Credit card balances
    Past due ratio, total
    Past due ratio, individuals
    Past due ratio, corporates
    Past due ratio, entrepreneurs
    Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs
    Risk-weighted assets

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.