Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of МАСТ-БАНК, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • Belarussian banks - 39
  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 3267

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 17 291 028 11 998 594 5 292 434 16 171 998 10 985 079 5 186 919 -1 013 515 -105 515
High liquid assets 1 639 528 613 151 1 026 377 1 186 147 373 206 812 941 -239 945 -213 436
Interest-earning assets 14 498 336 10 310 152 4 188 184 13 703 319 9 430 343 4 272 976 -879 809 84 792
  Dues from banks 2 247 -597 2 844 2 913 - 2 913 597 69
  Securities 836 587 219 632 616 955 740 093 114 294 625 799 -105 338 8 844
     Bonds 669 293 52 338 616 955 634 211 8 412 625 799 -43 926 8 844  
     Stocks 167 294 167 294 - 105 882 105 882 - -61 412 -
  Loans to corporate clients 12 724 259 9 481 286 3 242 973 12 065 562 8 754 693 3 310 869 -726 593 67 896  
     residents 14 292 098 11 054 622 3 237 476 14 219 805 10 917 224 3 302 581 -137 398 65 105
     state-owned enterprises 2 218 2 218 - - - - -2 218 -
     Past-due 159 749 154 252 5 497 152 653 144 365 8 288 -9 887 2 791
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -1 729 806 -1 729 806 - -2 306 896 -2 306 896 - -577 090 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 6 649 6 649 - 5 853 5 853 - -796 -
  Loans to individuals 928 594 603 182 325 412 888 898 555 503 333 395 -47 679 7 983  
Other assets 1 153 164 1 075 291 77 873 1 282 532 1 181 530 101 002 106 239 23 129
LIABILITIES 15 967 660 9 715 112 6 252 548 14 696 359 8 485 003 6 211 356 -1 230 109 -41 192
Dues to banks 345 226 345 226 - 276 891 276 891 - -68 335 -
  Term 345 226 345 226 - 276 701 276 701 - -68 525 -
     Central Bank of Russia 345 226 345 226 - 276 701 276 701 - -68 525 -
        Other dues to banks - - - 190 190 - 190 -
On demand 1 326 619 1 004 619 322 000 1 131 106 822 891 308 215 -181 728 -13 785
  Corporate clients 726 915 670 332 56 583 526 718 478 579 48 139 -191 753 -8 444
  Individuals 599 591 334 174 265 417 604 275 344 199 260 076 10 025 -5 341
  Brokerage accounts 113 113 - 113 113 - - -
Term 13 932 899 8 009 944 5 922 955 12 931 146 7 035 632 5 895 514 -974 312 -27 441
  Corporate clients 1 520 879 1 520 879 - 751 879 751 879 - -769 000 -  
  Individuals 12 412 020 6 489 065 5 922 955 12 179 267 6 283 753 5 895 514 -205 312 -27 441  
Securities issued 236 139 229 259 6 880 229 384 222 307 7 077 -6 952 197
  Promissory notes 236 139 229 259 6 880 229 384 222 307 7 077 -6 952 197  
Other liabilities 126 777 126 064 713 127 832 127 282 550 1 218 -163
EQUITY 1 323 368 1 323 368 - 1 475 639 1 475 639 - 152 271 -
        Capital 1 262 982 1 262 982 - 1 268 432 1 268 432 - 5 450 -
        Profit from previous years 567 445 567 445 - 567 445 567 445 - - -
          Retained earnings from previous years 567 445 567 445 - 567 445 567 445 - - -
        Current year profit -473 895 -473 895 - -328 019 -328 019 - 145 876 -
          Current year retained earnings -473 895 -473 895 - -328 019 -328 019 - 145 876 -
        Future expenses -33 164 -33 164 - -32 219 -32 219 - 945 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET -1 744 045 -1 934 531 190 486 -1 881 144 -2 076 849 195 705 -142 318 5 219
Unused credit limits available 200 000 200 000 - 200 000 200 000 - - -
Contingent liabilities -4 801 444 -4 794 629 -6 815 -4 738 091 -4 731 108 -6 983 63 521 -168
Collateral on loans 2 351 497 2 192 455 159 042 2 178 904 2 016 464 162 440 -175 991 3 398
Unprocessed payments 407 010 399 689 7 321 370 836 365 118 5 718 -34 571 -1 603
Other off-balance sheet accounts 98 892 67 954 30 938 107 207 72 677 34 530 4 723 3 592
Credit card balances 16 773 16 398 375 9 890 9 507 383 -6 891 8
Past due ratio, total 319 269 50 322 269 53 -1 4
Past due ratio, individuals 2 480 1 643 837 2 587 1 737 850 94 13
Past due ratio, corporates 111 138 -27 106 131 -25 -7 2
Past due ratio, entrepreneurs 1 626 1 626 -0 1 711 1 711 0 85 0
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 112 139 -27 107 132 -25 -7 2
Risk-weighted assets 22 470 999 22 470 999 - 21 792 578 21 792 578 - -678 421 -
Past-due rate: 3,19% 2,69% 4,92% 3,22% 2,69% 5,00% -0,01% 0,09%  
corporate clients: 1,12% 1,39% 0,17% 1,07% 1,32% 0,25% -0,07% 0,08%  
individuals: 24,80% 16,43% 52,22% 25,87% 17,37% 52,22% 0,94% 0,00%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.