Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of РУССКИЙ СТРОИТЕЛЬНЫЙ БАНК, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
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  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 3205

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 33 093 425 31 474 795 1 618 630 32 755 359 31 109 348 1 646 011 -365 447 27 381
High liquid assets 434 520 330 165 104 355 372 888 279 485 93 403 -50 680 -10 952
Interest-earning assets 28 022 517 26 522 033 1 500 484 27 675 172 26 147 270 1 527 902 -374 763 27 418
  Dues from banks 25 524 -155 25 679 26 263 -160 26 423 -5 744
  Securities 342 255 22 417 319 838 346 996 25 254 321 742 2 837 1 904
     Bonds 342 255 22 417 319 838 346 996 25 254 321 742 2 837 1 904  
  Loans to corporate clients 24 118 130 23 252 276 865 854 23 728 378 22 844 010 884 368 -408 266 18 514  
     residents 24 496 831 23 630 977 865 854 24 098 168 23 213 800 884 368 -417 177 18 514
     state-owned enterprises 33 460 33 460 - 30 178 30 178 - -3 282 -
     Past-due 609 890 609 890 - 866 576 866 576 - 256 686 -
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -1 022 051 -1 022 051 - -1 266 544 -1 266 544 - -244 493 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 791 735 791 735 - 791 811 791 811 - 76 -
  Loans to individuals 2 744 873 2 455 760 289 113 2 781 724 2 486 355 295 369 30 595 6 256  
Other assets 4 636 388 4 622 597 13 791 4 707 299 4 682 593 24 706 59 996 10 915
LIABILITIES 28 273 337 24 780 325 3 493 012 28 524 729 24 953 429 3 571 300 173 104 78 288
Dues to banks 655 025 655 025 - 658 775 658 775 - 3 750 -
  Term 655 025 655 025 - 658 775 658 775 - 3 750 -
     Residents 655 025 655 025 - 658 775 658 775 - 3 750 -
On demand 2 239 488 1 709 860 529 628 2 500 174 1 944 474 555 700 234 614 26 072
  Corporate clients 1 313 248 990 193 323 055 1 165 661 883 095 282 566 -107 098 -40 489
  Individuals 926 240 719 667 206 573 1 334 513 1 061 379 273 134 341 712 66 561
Term 22 610 288 19 847 087 2 763 201 22 173 724 19 409 538 2 764 186 -437 549 985
  Corporate clients 1 120 519 1 066 349 54 170 911 042 855 958 55 084 -210 391 914  
  Individuals 21 489 769 18 780 738 2 709 031 21 262 682 18 553 580 2 709 102 -227 158 71  
Securities issued 319 222 183 778 135 444 323 146 183 778 139 368 - 3 924
  Promissory notes 306 922 171 478 135 444 310 846 171 478 139 368 - 3 924  
  Depositary certificates 12 300 12 300 - 12 300 12 300 - - -
Other liabilities 2 449 314 2 384 575 64 739 2 868 910 2 756 864 112 046 372 289 47 307
EQUITY 4 820 089 4 817 740 2 349 4 230 631 4 228 278 2 353 -589 462 4
        Capital 3 321 837 3 321 837 - 3 315 322 3 315 322 - -6 515 -
        Profit from previous years 1 129 386 1 129 386 - 1 129 386 1 129 386 - - -
          Retained earnings from previous years 1 129 386 1 129 386 - 1 129 386 1 129 386 - - -
        Current year profit 366 351 366 351 - -215 420 -215 420 - -581 771 -
          Current year retained earnings 366 351 366 351 - -215 420 -215 420 - -581 771 -
        Future expenses 2 515 166 2 349 1 343 -1 010 2 353 -1 176 4
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 12 921 419 13 148 059 -226 640 13 317 573 13 509 273 -191 700 361 214 34 940
Contingent liabilities -4 170 246 -3 930 320 -239 926 -3 990 241 -3 745 350 -244 891 184 970 -4 965
Collateral on loans 13 335 544 13 332 586 2 958 13 315 970 13 312 926 3 044 -19 660 86
Unprocessed payments 3 720 737 3 720 737 - 3 954 367 3 914 922 39 445 194 185 39 445
Other off-balance sheet accounts 35 384 25 056 10 328 37 477 26 775 10 702 1 719 374
Credit card balances 56 408 40 142 16 266 54 141 37 821 16 320 -2 321 54
Past due ratio, total 368 328 40 460 423 37 95 -3
Past due ratio, individuals 1 448 1 056 392 1 468 1 067 401 11 9
Past due ratio, corporates 243 251 -8 347 359 -12 108 -4
Past due ratio, entrepreneurs 9 9 -0 9 9 -0 - -
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 235 243 -8 336 348 -12 105 -4
Risk-weighted assets 40 699 694 40 699 694 - 40 378 124 40 378 124 - -321 570 -
Past-due rate: 3,68% 3,28% 13,51% 4,60% 4,23% 13,52% 0,95% 0,01%  
corporate clients: 2,35% 2,43% 0,00% 3,36% 3,48% 0,00% 1,05% 0,00%  
individuals: 14,48% 10,56% 53,96% 14,68% 10,67% 54,01% 0,11% 0,05%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.