Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of ИС БАНК, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
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    at 1 February 2022
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    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 3175

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 6 736 734 5 240 719 1 496 015 6 400 899 4 779 716 1 621 183 -461 003 125 168
High liquid assets 884 242 579 859 304 383 893 382 488 324 405 058 -91 535 100 675
Interest-earning assets 4 552 792 4 351 386 201 406 4 123 801 3 920 456 203 345 -430 930 1 939
  Dues from banks 1 629 600 1 629 600 - 1 450 000 1 450 000 - -179 600 -
  Securities 47 396 47 396 - 47 559 47 559 - 163 -
     Bonds 47 396 47 396 - 47 559 47 559 - 163 -  
  Loans to corporate clients 2 030 144 1 839 882 190 262 1 967 452 1 775 780 191 672 -64 102 1 410  
     residents 1 883 229 1 883 229 - 1 834 485 1 834 485 - -48 744 -
     Past-due 278 143 87 881 190 262 281 120 89 448 191 672 1 567 1 410
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -131 228 -131 228 - -148 153 -148 153 - -16 925 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 413 475 413 475 - 225 025 225 025 - -188 450 -
  Loans to individuals 432 177 421 033 11 144 433 765 422 092 11 673 1 059 529  
Other assets 1 299 700 309 474 990 226 1 383 716 370 936 1 012 780 61 462 22 554
LIABILITIES 5 789 921 5 174 119 615 802 5 456 633 4 662 590 794 043 -511 529 178 241
Dues to banks 181 271 104 377 76 894 168 527 79 747 88 780 -24 630 11 886
  On demand 81 271 4 377 76 894 168 527 79 747 88 780 75 370 11 886
  Term 100 000 100 000 - - - - -100 000 -
     Residents 100 000 100 000 - - - - -100 000 -
On demand 2 274 205 2 069 177 205 028 2 128 468 1 967 613 160 855 -101 564 -44 173
  Corporate clients 2 270 921 2 065 893 205 028 2 123 574 1 962 719 160 855 -103 174 -44 173
  Individuals 3 061 3 061 - 4 632 4 632 - 1 571 -
  Brokerage accounts 223 223 - 262 262 - 39 -
Term 2 820 454 2 545 765 274 689 2 572 439 2 286 841 285 598 -258 924 10 909
  Corporate clients 2 820 454 2 545 765 274 689 2 572 439 2 286 841 285 598 -258 924 10 909  
Securities issued 62 995 10 021 52 974 260 285 10 063 250 222 42 197 248
  Promissory notes 62 995 10 021 52 974 260 285 10 063 250 222 42 197 248  
Other liabilities 450 996 444 779 6 217 326 914 318 326 8 588 -126 453 2 371
EQUITY 946 813 946 813 - 944 266 944 266 - -2 547 -
        Capital 461 571 461 571 - 461 571 461 571 - - -
        Profit from previous years 468 419 468 419 - 483 457 483 457 - 15 038 -
          Retained earnings from previous years 468 419 468 419 - 483 457 483 457 - 15 038 -
        Current year profit 16 823 16 823 - -762 -762 - -17 585 -
          Current year retained earnings 16 823 16 823 - -762 -762 - -17 585 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 2 769 913 2 769 913 - 2 729 919 2 729 919 - -39 994 -
Contingent liabilities -1 481 941 -1 481 941 - -1 419 974 -1 419 974 - 61 967 -
Collateral on loans 3 591 584 3 591 584 - 3 553 622 3 553 622 - -37 962 -
Unprocessed payments 839 791 839 791 - 775 792 775 792 - -63 999 -
Other off-balance sheet accounts -179 521 -179 521 - -179 521 -179 521 - - -
Past due ratio, total 936 337 599 1 036 383 653 46 54
Past due ratio, individuals 189 194 -5 186 191 -5 -3 0
Past due ratio, corporates 1 287 446 841 1 329 465 864 19 23
Past due ratio, entrepreneurs 7 7 -0 88 88 0 80 1
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 1 060 362 698 1 194 420 774 58 76
Risk-weighted assets 6 380 463 6 380 463 - 5 965 268 5 965 268 - -415 195 -
Past-due rate: 9,36% 3,37% 94,47% 10,36% 3,83% 94,26% 0,46% -0,21%  
corporate clients: 10,60% 3,62% 100,00% 11,94% 4,20% 100,00% 0,58% 0,00%  
individuals: 1,89% 1,94% 0,00% 1,86% 1,91% 0,00% -0,03% 0,00%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.