Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of МОЙ БАНК, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
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  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 2939

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 21 801 815 16 545 133 5 256 682 18 913 804 14 292 471 4 621 333 -2 252 662 -635 349
High liquid assets 556 613 334 137 222 476 322 563 217 032 105 531 -117 105 -116 945
Interest-earning assets 15 509 484 12 927 520 2 581 964 12 382 195 9 970 623 2 411 572 -2 956 897 -170 392
  Dues from banks 231 014 221 767 9 247 69 128 60 010 9 118 -161 757 -129
  Securities 5 482 574 4 219 262 1 263 312 4 064 337 2 803 617 1 260 720 -1 415 645 -2 592
     Bonds 867 503 867 503 - - - - -867 503 -  
     Promissory notes 845 723 845 723 - 852 265 852 265 - 6 542 -  
     Stocks 3 769 348 2 506 036 1 263 312 3 212 072 1 951 352 1 260 720 -554 684 -2 592
  Loans to corporate clients 8 134 130 6 958 157 1 175 973 6 663 416 5 634 141 1 029 275 -1 324 016 -146 698  
     residents 8 137 526 6 971 976 1 165 550 6 548 063 5 604 343 943 720 -1 367 633 -221 830
     non-residents 412 606 412 604 2 400 684 400 682 2 -11 922 -
     state-owned enterprises 48 500 48 500 - 77 992 77 992 - 29 492 -
     Past-due 399 087 388 666 10 421 559 297 473 744 85 553 85 078 75 132
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -863 589 -863 589 - -922 620 -922 620 - -59 031 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 38 773 38 773 - 32 736 32 736 - -6 037 -
  Loans to individuals 1 622 993 1 489 561 133 432 1 552 578 1 440 119 112 459 -49 442 -20 973  
Other assets 5 735 718 3 283 476 2 452 242 6 209 046 4 104 816 2 104 230 821 340 -348 012
LIABILITIES 19 995 351 14 938 721 5 056 630 17 235 517 12 973 056 4 262 461 -1 965 665 -794 169
Dues to banks 1 327 667 1 294 519 33 148 203 317 156 609 46 708 -1 137 910 13 560
  On demand 131 789 105 001 26 788 200 298 153 590 46 708 48 589 19 920
  Term 1 192 207 1 189 518 2 689 519 519 - -1 188 999 -2 689
     Residents 1 192 207 1 189 518 2 689 519 519 - -1 188 999 -2 689
        Other dues to banks 3 671 - 3 671 2 500 2 500 - 2 500 -3 671
On demand 3 221 988 2 814 268 407 720 2 934 046 2 389 118 544 928 -425 150 137 208
  Corporate clients 2 865 364 2 600 054 265 310 2 239 784 2 005 615 234 169 -594 439 -31 141
  Individuals 341 850 214 138 127 712 679 291 383 281 296 010 169 143 168 298
  Brokerage accounts 14 774 76 14 698 14 971 222 14 749 146 51
Term 13 917 801 9 384 588 4 533 213 10 461 221 7 847 981 2 613 240 -1 536 607 -1 919 973
  Corporate clients 2 423 317 1 642 534 780 783 1 553 174 1 311 301 241 873 -331 233 -538 910  
  Individuals 11 494 484 7 742 054 3 752 430 8 908 047 6 536 680 2 371 367 -1 205 374 -1 381 063  
Securities issued 80 347 46 964 33 383 73 241 40 296 32 945 -6 668 -438
  Promissory notes 80 347 46 964 33 383 73 241 40 296 32 945 -6 668 -438  
Other liabilities 1 447 548 1 398 382 49 166 3 563 692 2 539 052 1 024 640 1 140 670 975 474
EQUITY 1 806 464 1 806 464 - 1 678 287 1 678 287 - -128 177 -
        Capital 1 395 643 1 395 643 - 1 396 138 1 396 138 - 495 -
        Profit from previous years 727 107 727 107 - 727 107 727 107 - - -
          Retained earnings from previous years 727 107 727 107 - 727 107 727 107 - - -
        Current year profit -307 707 -307 707 - -436 511 -436 511 - -128 804 -
          Current year retained earnings -307 707 -307 707 - -436 511 -436 511 - -128 804 -
        Future expenses -8 579 -8 579 - -8 447 -8 447 - 132 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 9 021 091 8 785 280 235 811 10 843 104 10 593 007 250 097 1 807 727 14 286
Contingent liabilities -1 941 736 -1 891 969 -49 767 -1 644 809 -1 595 495 -49 314 296 474 453
Collateral on loans 10 903 044 10 630 867 272 177 12 425 304 12 139 123 286 181 1 508 256 14 004
Other off-balance sheet accounts 59 783 46 382 13 401 62 609 49 379 13 230 2 997 -171
Credit card balances 87 488 79 431 8 057 66 867 61 940 4 927 -17 491 -3 130
Past due ratio, total 1 049 1 068 -19 1 411 1 374 37 307 55
Past due ratio, individuals 3 397 3 099 298 3 694 3 374 320 276 21
Past due ratio, corporates 444 497 -53 737 723 14 226 67
Past due ratio, entrepreneurs 3 522 3 522 -0 4 266 4 266 -0 744 0
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 463 519 -56 761 751 10 231 67
Past-due rate: 10,49% 10,68% 9,10% 14,11% 13,74% 16,89% 3,07% 7,79%  
corporate clients: 4,63% 5,19% 0,89% 7,61% 7,51% 8,31% 2,31% 7,43%  
individuals: 33,97% 30,99% 81,52% 36,94% 33,74% 95,43% 2,76% 13,91%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.