Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of ВИТЯЗЬ, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • Belarussian banks - 39
  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 2890

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 4 439 397 4 338 345 101 052 3 048 403 3 002 487 45 916 -1 335 858 -55 136
High liquid assets 271 867 192 406 79 461 130 185 105 224 24 961 -87 182 -54 500
Interest-earning assets 3 583 045 3 562 259 20 786 2 863 537 2 843 456 20 081 -718 803 -705
  Dues from banks 229 388 208 602 20 786 220 838 200 757 20 081 -7 845 -705
  Securities 1 178 810 1 178 810 - 958 413 958 413 - -220 397 -
     Bonds 1 178 810 1 178 810 - 958 413 958 413 - -220 397 -  
  Loans to corporate clients 2 094 528 2 094 528 - 1 623 495 1 623 495 - -471 033 -  
     residents 2 137 438 2 137 438 - 1 652 772 1 652 772 - -484 666 -
     Past-due 46 106 46 106 - 111 403 111 403 - 65 297 -
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -89 016 -89 016 - -140 680 -140 680 - -51 664 -
  Loans to individuals 80 319 80 319 - 60 791 60 791 - -19 528 -  
Other assets 584 485 583 680 805 54 681 53 807 874 -529 873 69
LIABILITIES 3 920 408 3 698 259 222 149 2 855 719 2 681 996 173 723 -1 016 263 -48 426
Dues to banks 2 524 010 2 524 010 - 2 052 931 2 052 931 - -471 079 -
  On demand 10 10 - 378 931 378 931 - 378 921 -
  Term 2 524 000 2 524 000 - 1 674 000 1 674 000 - -850 000 -
     Residents 2 524 000 2 524 000 - 1 674 000 1 674 000 - -850 000 -
On demand 597 780 585 523 12 257 81 004 66 976 14 028 -518 547 1 771
  Corporate clients 588 209 577 700 10 509 64 002 63 513 489 -514 187 -10 020
  Individuals 9 571 7 823 1 748 17 002 3 463 13 539 -4 360 11 791
Term 777 279 570 917 206 362 214 215 113 715 100 500 -457 202 -105 862
  Corporate clients 235 287 213 376 21 911 13 976 3 567 10 409 -209 809 -11 502  
  Individuals 541 992 357 541 184 451 200 239 110 148 90 091 -247 393 -94 360  
Other liabilities 21 339 17 809 3 530 507 569 448 374 59 195 430 565 55 665
EQUITY 518 989 518 989 - 192 684 192 684 - -326 305 -
        Capital 338 441 338 441 - 104 246 104 246 - -234 195 -
        Profit from previous years 172 114 172 114 - 172 114 172 114 - - -
          Retained earnings from previous years 172 114 172 114 - 172 114 172 114 - - -
        Current year profit 13 666 13 666 - -81 137 -81 137 - -94 803 -
          Current year retained earnings 13 666 13 666 - -81 137 -81 137 - -94 803 -
        Future expenses -5 232 -5 232 - -2 539 -2 539 - 2 693 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 3 025 504 3 025 504 - 2 975 035 2 918 776 56 259 -106 728 56 259
Unused credit limits available 200 000 200 000 - - - - -200 000 -
Contingent liabilities -503 938 -503 938 - -656 317 -656 317 - -152 379 -
Collateral on loans 3 103 631 3 103 631 - 2 910 161 2 910 161 - -193 470 -
Unprocessed payments 217 664 217 664 - 711 205 654 946 56 259 437 282 56 259
Other off-balance sheet accounts 8 147 8 147 - 9 986 9 986 - 1 839 -
Past due ratio, total 203 203 -0 616 616 0 413 0
Past due ratio, individuals - - - 201 201 0 201 0
Past due ratio, corporates 211 211 -0 631 631 -0 420 -0
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 211 211 -0 631 631 -0 420 -0
Risk-weighted assets 5 078 131 5 078 131 - 4 206 987 4 206 987 - -871 144 -
Past-due rate: 2,03% 2,03% - 6,16% 6,16% - 4,13% 0,00%  
corporate clients: 2,11% 2,11% - 6,31% 6,31% - 4,20% 0,00%  
individuals: 0,00% 0,00% - 2,01% 2,01% - 2,01% 0,00%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.