Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of АМТ БАНК, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
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    at 1 February 2022
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    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 2820

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 45 247 657 34 735 734 10 511 923 45 069 259 34 505 012 10 564 247 -230 722 52 324
High liquid assets 287 735 201 756 85 979 347 762 285 792 61 970 84 036 -24 009
Interest-earning assets 31 755 578 25 175 878 6 579 700 32 688 627 25 257 843 7 430 784 81 965 851 084
  Dues from banks 9 906 82 9 824 9 909 82 9 827 - 3
  Securities 8 133 978 8 121 867 12 111 8 124 410 8 124 410 - 2 543 -12 111
     Promissory notes 517 738 505 627 12 111 508 170 508 170 - 2 543 -12 111  
     Stocks 7 616 240 7 616 240 - 7 616 240 7 616 240 - - -
  Loans to corporate clients 27 865 810 22 053 681 5 812 129 29 972 606 23 290 273 6 682 333 1 236 592 870 204  
     residents 21 581 937 17 356 824 4 225 113 19 373 944 16 515 882 2 858 062 -840 942 -1 367 051
     Past-due 8 135 251 6 548 235 1 587 016 11 741 103 7 916 832 3 824 271 1 368 597 2 237 255
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -1 851 378 -1 851 378 - -1 142 441 -1 142 441 - 708 937 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 5 430 5 430 - 5 058 5 058 - -372 -
  Loans to individuals 1 149 387 403 751 745 636 1 167 043 428 419 738 624 24 668 -7 012  
        Provision for impairment of loans past-due -5 408 933 -5 408 933 - -6 590 399 -6 590 399 - -1 181 466 -
Other assets 13 204 344 9 358 100 3 846 244 12 032 870 8 961 377 3 071 493 -396 723 -774 751
LIABILITIES 35 181 267 25 657 716 9 523 551 35 124 983 25 614 229 9 510 754 -43 487 -12 797
Dues to banks 10 122 988 9 122 256 1 000 732 9 904 861 8 962 744 942 117 -159 512 -58 615
  On demand 446 425 440 256 6 169 379 960 373 209 6 751 -67 047 582
  Term 9 636 503 8 682 000 954 503 9 410 560 8 502 000 908 560 -180 000 -45 943
     Central Bank of Russia 7 527 000 7 527 000 - 7 427 000 7 427 000 - -100 000 -
     Residents 778 041 750 000 28 041 658 271 630 000 28 271 -120 000 230
     Non-residents 1 331 462 405 000 926 462 1 325 289 445 000 880 289 40 000 -46 173
        Other dues to banks 40 060 - 40 060 114 341 87 535 26 806 87 535 -13 254
On demand 1 264 710 1 042 042 222 668 1 196 908 993 404 203 504 -48 638 -19 164
  Corporate clients 646 515 610 619 35 896 635 617 612 379 23 238 1 760 -12 658
  Individuals 617 810 431 038 186 772 560 887 380 621 180 266 -50 417 -6 506
  Brokerage accounts 385 385 - 404 404 - 19 -
Term 22 336 626 14 937 313 7 399 313 22 262 280 15 052 610 7 209 670 115 297 -189 643
  Corporate clients 7 374 850 3 968 814 3 406 036 7 200 614 4 022 051 3 178 563 53 237 -227 473  
  Individuals 14 961 776 10 968 499 3 993 277 15 061 666 11 030 559 4 031 107 62 060 37 830  
Securities issued 884 341 205 912 678 429 803 196 175 915 627 281 -29 997 -51 148
  Promissory notes 884 341 205 912 678 429 803 196 175 915 627 281 -29 997 -51 148  
Other liabilities 572 602 350 193 222 409 957 738 429 556 528 182 79 363 305 773
EQUITY 10 066 390 10 066 390 - 9 944 276 9 944 276 - -122 114 -
        Capital 12 421 901 12 421 901 - 12 421 901 12 421 901 - - -
        Profit from previous years -2 615 005 -2 615 005 - -2 615 005 -2 615 005 - - -
          Retained earnings from previous years -2 615 005 -2 615 005 - -2 615 005 -2 615 005 - - -
        Current year profit 318 264 318 264 - 192 961 192 961 - -125 303 -
          Current year retained earnings 318 264 318 264 - 192 961 192 961 - -125 303 -
        Future expenses -58 770 -58 770 - -55 581 -55 581 - 3 189 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 83 464 000 70 969 700 12 494 300 86 077 590 81 511 792 4 565 798 10 542 092 -7 928 502
Contingent liabilities -1 320 201 -650 878 -669 323 -1 293 795 -623 004 -670 791 27 874 -1 468
Collateral on loans 83 693 268 71 055 845 12 637 423 86 299 348 81 590 391 4 708 957 10 534 546 -7 928 466
Other off-balance sheet accounts 1 090 933 564 733 526 200 1 072 037 544 405 527 632 -20 328 1 432
Credit card balances 13 923 10 818 3 105 14 998 12 001 2 997 1 183 -108
Past due ratio, total 2 765 2 749 16 3 760 3 233 527 484 511
Past due ratio, individuals 3 253 2 992 261 3 502 3 023 479 31 218
Past due ratio, corporates 2 738 2 739 -1 3 773 3 240 533 501 534
Past due ratio, entrepreneurs 4 969 4 969 0 4 840 4 840 0 -129 -0
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 2 738 2 740 -2 3 774 3 241 533 501 535
Past-due rate: 27,65% 27,49% 28,26% 37,60% 32,33% 55,60% 4,84% 27,34%  
corporate clients: 27,38% 27,40% 27,31% 37,74% 32,41% 57,23% 5,01% 29,92%  
individuals: 32,53% 29,92% 35,74% 35,02% 30,23% 40,86% 0,31% 5,12%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.