Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of БАЙКАЛБАНК, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
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  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 2632  retail lendingcomplies with 214-FZ (equity construction)

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 9 231 692 9 076 386 155 306 9 951 551 9 812 436 139 115 736 050 -16 191
High liquid assets 414 792 270 041 144 751 1 029 389 902 994 126 395 632 953 -18 356
Interest-earning assets 5 259 312 5 251 991 7 321 5 240 507 5 231 160 9 347 -20 831 2 026
  Dues from banks 6 937 - 6 937 208 947 200 000 8 947 200 000 2 010
  Securities 857 072 857 072 - 888 461 888 461 - 31 389 -
     Bonds 2 511 2 511 - 2 480 2 480 - -31 -  
     Stocks 569 535 569 535 - 600 955 600 955 - 31 420 -
          Mutual funds 285 026 285 026 - 285 026 285 026 - - -
  Loans to corporate clients 1 492 039 1 492 039 - 1 270 803 1 270 803 - -221 236 -  
     residents 1 394 180 1 394 180 - 859 614 859 614 - -534 566 -
     Past-due 247 102 247 102 - 613 601 613 601 - 366 499 -
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -149 243 -149 243 - -202 412 -202 412 - -53 169 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 60 148 60 148 - 52 562 52 562 - -7 586 -
  Loans to individuals 2 843 116 2 842 732 384 2 819 734 2 819 334 400 -23 398 16  
Other assets 3 557 588 3 554 354 3 234 3 681 655 3 678 282 3 373 123 928 139
LIABILITIES 8 227 430 7 576 323 651 107 9 020 992 8 451 325 569 667 875 002 -81 440
Dues to banks 314 071 313 573 498 303 086 302 531 555 -11 042 57
  Term 300 027 300 027 - 300 027 300 027 - - -
     Residents 300 027 300 027 - 300 027 300 027 - - -
        Other dues to banks 14 044 13 546 498 3 059 2 504 555 -11 042 57
On demand 1 845 837 1 521 072 324 765 1 355 397 1 112 128 243 269 -408 944 -81 496
  Corporate clients 605 884 451 332 154 552 351 513 281 915 69 598 -169 417 -84 954
  Individuals 1 017 793 981 429 36 364 776 383 742 380 34 003 -239 049 -2 361
  Brokerage accounts 222 160 88 311 133 849 227 501 87 833 139 668 -478 5 819
Term 5 453 846 5 131 412 322 434 6 851 469 6 529 592 321 877 1 398 180 -557
  Corporate clients 272 051 272 051 - 400 051 400 051 - 128 000 -  
  Individuals 5 181 795 4 859 361 322 434 6 451 418 6 129 541 321 877 1 270 180 -557  
Securities issued 190 000 190 000 - 190 000 190 000 - - -
        Bonds 190 000 190 000 - 190 000 190 000 - - -  
Other liabilities 423 676 420 266 3 410 321 040 317 074 3 966 -103 192 556
EQUITY 1 004 263 1 004 263 - 930 559 930 559 - -73 704 -
        Capital 999 669 999 669 - 985 251 985 251 - -14 418 -
        Profit from previous years 449 872 449 872 - 449 872 449 872 - - -
          Retained earnings from previous years 449 872 449 872 - 449 872 449 872 - - -
        Current year profit -440 927 -440 927 - -500 555 -500 555 - -59 628 -
          Current year retained earnings -440 927 -440 927 - -500 555 -500 555 - -59 628 -
        Future expenses -4 351 -4 351 - -4 009 -4 009 - 342 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 3 478 032 3 477 891 141 3 427 041 3 426 894 147 -50 997 6
Contingent liabilities -569 794 -569 794 - -554 818 -554 818 - 14 976 -
Collateral on loans 3 456 227 3 456 227 - 3 271 454 3 271 454 - -184 773 -
Unprocessed payments 546 489 546 489 - 670 974 670 974 - 124 485 -
Other off-balance sheet accounts 45 110 44 969 141 39 431 39 284 147 -5 685 6
Credit card balances 300 655 300 654 1 291 247 291 247 - -9 407 -1
Past due ratio, total 1 810 1 809 1 2 600 2 599 1 790 0
Past due ratio, individuals 1 965 1 964 1 1 889 1 888 1 -75 -1
Past due ratio, corporates 1 506 1 506 0 4 165 4 165 -0 2 660 -1
Past due ratio, entrepreneurs 1 599 1 599 -0 2 070 2 070 0 470 1
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 1 509 1 509 -0 4 088 4 088 0 2 579 0
Risk-weighted assets 11 872 276 11 872 276 - 11 752 944 11 752 944 - -119 332 -
Past-due rate: 18,10% 18,09% 99,74% 26,00% 25,99% 100,00% 7,90% 0,26%  
corporate clients: 15,09% 15,09% - 40,88% 40,88% - 25,79% 0,00%  
individuals: 19,65% 19,64% 99,74% 18,89% 18,88% 100,00% -0,75% 0,26%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.