Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of ЯРИНТЕРБАНК, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
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    at 1 February 2022
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    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 2564

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 3 094 094 2 696 718 397 376 3 146 355 2 803 401 342 954 106 683 -54 422
High liquid assets 343 602 131 198 212 404 302 586 116 153 186 433 -15 045 -25 971
Interest-earning assets 2 564 682 2 417 673 147 009 2 683 602 2 537 871 145 731 120 198 -1 278
  Dues from banks 607 136 607 136 - 636 157 636 157 - 29 021 -
  Loans to corporate clients 1 545 008 1 397 999 147 009 1 551 297 1 405 566 145 731 7 567 -1 278  
     residents 1 570 788 1 423 779 147 009 1 572 925 1 427 194 145 731 3 415 -1 278
     Past-due 3 256 3 256 - 3 266 3 266 - 10 -
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -29 036 -29 036 - -24 894 -24 894 - 4 142 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 168 114 168 114 - 164 144 164 144 - -3 970 -
  Loans to individuals 244 424 244 424 - 332 004 332 004 - 87 580 -  
Other assets 185 810 147 847 37 963 160 167 149 377 10 790 1 530 -27 173
LIABILITIES 2 694 454 2 310 141 384 313 2 737 302 2 408 595 328 707 98 454 -55 606
Dues to banks - - - 55 081 51 198 3 883 51 198 3 883
        Other dues to banks - - - 55 081 51 198 3 883 51 198 3 883
On demand 1 004 089 872 625 131 464 977 816 878 729 99 087 6 104 -32 377
  Corporate clients 909 606 790 005 119 601 888 317 799 573 88 744 9 568 -30 857
  Individuals 94 483 82 620 11 863 89 499 79 156 10 343 -3 464 -1 520
Term 1 650 886 1 398 902 251 984 1 658 155 1 435 957 222 198 37 055 -29 786
  Corporate clients 392 605 392 605 - 403 177 403 177 - 10 572 -  
  Individuals 1 258 281 1 006 297 251 984 1 254 978 1 032 780 222 198 26 483 -29 786  
Securities issued 2 940 2 940 - 2 946 2 946 - 6 -
  Promissory notes 2 940 2 940 - 2 946 2 946 - 6 -  
Other liabilities 36 539 35 674 865 43 304 39 765 3 539 4 091 2 674
EQUITY 399 640 399 640 - 409 053 409 053 - 9 413 -
        Capital 125 612 125 612 - 125 612 125 612 - - -
        Profit from previous years 245 433 245 433 - 271 108 271 108 - 25 675 -
          Retained earnings from previous years 245 433 245 433 - 271 108 271 108 - 25 675 -
        Current year profit 28 595 28 595 - 12 333 12 333 - -16 262 -
          Current year retained earnings 28 595 28 595 - 12 333 12 333 - -16 262 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 2 214 218 2 215 153 -935 2 363 067 2 371 816 -8 749 156 663 -7 814
Contingent liabilities -430 614 -429 677 -937 -362 218 -353 467 -8 751 76 210 -7 814
Collateral on loans 2 221 194 2 221 194 - 2 299 409 2 299 409 - 78 215 -
Unprocessed payments 436 571 436 569 2 438 809 438 807 2 2 238 -
Other off-balance sheet accounts -12 933 -12 933 - -12 933 -12 933 - - -
Credit card balances 146 146 - 190 190 - 44 -
Past due ratio, total 17 18 -1 22 23 -1 5 -0
Past due ratio, individuals 4 4 0 36 36 -0 33 -1
Past due ratio, corporates 21 23 -2 21 23 -2 0 -0
Past due ratio, entrepreneurs 2 2 0 2 2 0 0 -0
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 19 21 -2 19 21 -2 0 -0
Risk-weighted assets 3 019 524 3 019 524 - 3 156 617 3 156 617 - 137 093 -
Past-due rate: 0,17% 0,18% 0,00% 0,22% 0,23% 0,00% 0,05% 0,00%  
corporate clients: 0,19% 0,21% 0,00% 0,19% 0,21% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00%  
individuals: 0,04% 0,04% - 0,36% 0,36% - 0,33% 0,00%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.