Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of ИНГ БАНК (ЕВРАЗИЯ), analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • Belarussian banks - 39
  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 2495  foreign-controlledCB RF representativecomplies with 214-FZ (equity construction)complies with 213-FZ (work with state companies)complies with 185-FZ (work with housing and utilities infrastructure)

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 109 750 541 60 593 454 49 157 087 136 145 733 60 538 001 75 607 732 -55 453 26 450 645
High liquid assets 13 620 520 2 416 142 11 204 378 24 841 999 5 807 636 19 034 363 3 391 494 7 829 985
Interest-earning assets 71 866 184 50 300 665 21 565 519 81 625 293 42 044 726 39 580 567 -8 255 939 18 015 048
  Dues from banks 37 709 363 16 466 070 21 243 293 49 757 459 12 239 751 37 517 708 -4 226 319 16 274 415
  Securities 15 628 359 15 628 359 - 14 055 806 14 055 806 - -1 572 553 -
     Bonds 15 628 359 15 628 359 - 14 055 806 14 055 806 - -1 572 553 -  
  Loans to corporate clients 18 528 462 18 206 236 322 226 17 812 028 15 749 169 2 062 859 -2 457 067 1 740 633  
     residents 18 539 678 18 228 690 310 988 17 736 991 15 771 790 1 965 201 -2 456 900 1 654 213
     Past-due 11 883 645 11 238 98 223 565 97 658 -80 86 420
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -23 099 -23 099 - -23 186 -23 186 - -87 -
Other assets 24 263 837 7 876 647 16 387 190 29 678 441 12 685 639 16 992 802 4 808 992 605 612
LIABILITIES 87 711 524 67 402 613 20 308 911 114 145 278 68 138 793 46 006 485 736 180 25 697 574
Dues to banks 20 938 511 20 112 714 825 797 16 603 354 15 747 992 855 362 -4 364 722 29 565
  On demand 1 796 601 1 796 290 311 3 133 557 3 133 232 325 1 336 942 14
  Term 18 686 579 18 316 424 370 155 12 863 222 12 614 760 248 462 -5 701 664 -121 693
     Residents 12 541 384 12 541 384 - 9 223 929 9 114 760 109 169 -3 426 624 109 169
     Non-residents 6 145 195 5 775 040 370 155 3 639 293 3 500 000 139 293 -2 275 040 -230 862
        Other dues to banks 455 331 - 455 331 606 575 - 606 575 - 151 244
On demand 29 840 865 13 136 314 16 704 551 54 542 412 14 461 782 40 080 630 1 325 468 23 376 079
  Corporate clients 28 670 511 12 839 255 15 831 256 53 289 089 14 201 493 39 087 596 1 362 238 23 256 340
  Individuals 1 170 354 297 059 873 295 1 253 323 260 289 993 034 -36 770 119 739
Term 30 405 651 29 438 699 966 952 32 167 267 28 990 574 3 176 693 -448 125 2 209 741
  Corporate clients 29 555 907 29 002 373 553 534 31 420 663 28 560 119 2 860 544 -442 254 2 307 010  
  Individuals 849 744 436 326 413 418 746 604 430 455 316 149 -5 871 -97 269  
Other liabilities 6 526 497 4 714 886 1 811 611 10 832 245 8 938 445 1 893 800 4 223 559 82 189
EQUITY 22 039 017 22 039 017 - 22 000 455 22 000 455 - -38 562 -
        Capital 10 356 078 10 356 078 - 10 188 265 10 188 265 - -167 813 -
        Profit from previous years 11 399 746 11 399 746 - 11 671 778 11 671 778 - 272 032 -
          Retained earnings from previous years 11 399 746 11 399 746 - 11 671 778 11 671 778 - 272 032 -
        Current year profit 283 193 283 193 - 140 412 140 412 - -142 781 -
          Current year retained earnings 283 193 283 193 - 140 412 140 412 - -142 781 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET -98 949 791 -29 470 257 -69 479 534 -100 720 551 -28 286 610 -72 433 941 1 183 647 -2 954 407
Unused credit limits available 82 034 750 40 000 000 42 034 750 83 320 950 40 000 000 43 320 950 - 1 286 200
Contingent liabilities -181 004 006 -69 489 722 -111 514 284 -184 060 768 -68 305 877 -115 754 891 1 183 845 -4 240 607
Unprocessed payments 19 646 19 646 - 19 448 19 448 - -198 -
Other off-balance sheet accounts -181 -181 - -181 -181 - - -
Past due ratio, total 6 0 6 55 0 55 0 49
Past due ratio, corporates 6 0 6 55 0 55 0 49
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 6 0 6 55 0 55 0 49
Risk-weighted assets 98 833 886 98 833 886 - 107 988 433 107 988 433 - 9 154 547 -
Past-due rate: 0,06% 0,00% 3,49% 0,55% 0,00% 4,73% 0,00% 1,25%  
corporate clients: 0,06% 0,00% 3,49% 0,55% 0,00% 4,73% 0,00% 1,25%  
individuals: - - - - - - 0,00% 0,00%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.