Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of ФОРШТАДТ, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • Belarussian banks - 39
  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 2208  complies with 214-FZ (equity construction)

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 12 111 645 11 256 256 855 389 12 276 945 11 405 198 871 747 148 942 16 358
High liquid assets 624 724 522 480 102 244 476 862 375 735 101 127 -146 745 -1 117
Interest-earning assets 10 984 767 10 250 806 733 961 11 267 776 10 501 870 765 906 251 064 31 945
  Dues from banks 33 432 - 33 432 342 935 307 917 35 018 307 917 1 586
  Securities 4 649 192 4 154 897 494 295 4 668 303 4 149 257 519 046 -5 640 24 751
     Bonds 4 647 835 4 153 540 494 295 4 666 895 4 147 849 519 046 -5 691 24 751  
     Stocks 1 357 1 357 - 1 408 1 408 - 51 -
  Loans to corporate clients 2 449 393 2 258 292 191 101 2 459 331 2 263 085 196 246 4 793 5 145  
     residents 3 373 774 3 205 635 168 139 3 380 455 3 207 171 173 284 1 536 5 145
     state-owned enterprises 20 000 20 000 - 24 000 24 000 - 4 000 -
     Past-due 988 639 965 677 22 962 986 342 963 380 22 962 -2 297 -
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -1 933 020 -1 933 020 - -1 931 466 -1 931 466 - 1 554 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 31 045 31 045 - 21 166 21 166 - -9 879 -
  Loans to individuals 3 821 705 3 806 572 15 133 3 776 041 3 760 445 15 596 -46 127 463  
Other assets 502 154 482 970 19 184 532 307 527 593 4 714 44 623 -14 470
LIABILITIES 8 646 482 7 819 373 827 109 8 843 767 8 010 670 833 097 191 297 5 988
Dues to banks - - - 307 965 307 965 - 307 965 -
  Term - - - 307 938 307 938 - 307 938 -
     Residents - - - 307 938 307 938 - 307 938 -
        Other dues to banks - - - 27 27 - 27 -
On demand 1 530 798 1 404 067 126 731 1 495 003 1 347 568 147 435 -56 499 20 704
  Corporate clients 1 134 562 1 092 784 41 778 1 125 353 1 055 162 70 191 -37 622 28 413
  Individuals 396 236 311 283 84 953 369 650 292 406 77 244 -18 877 -7 709
Term 6 800 020 6 221 798 578 222 6 744 954 6 187 048 557 906 -34 750 -20 316
  Corporate clients 2 140 258 1 823 534 316 724 2 291 910 1 962 992 328 918 139 458 12 194  
  Individuals 4 659 762 4 398 264 261 498 4 453 044 4 224 056 228 988 -174 208 -32 510  
Securities issued 121 126 - 121 126 126 916 - 126 916 - 5 790
  Promissory notes 121 126 - 121 126 126 916 - 126 916 - 5 790  
Other liabilities 194 538 193 508 1 030 168 929 168 089 840 -25 419 -190
EQUITY 3 465 163 3 465 163 - 3 433 179 3 433 179 - -31 984 -
        Capital 1 433 457 1 433 457 - 1 370 211 1 370 211 - -63 246 -
        Profit from previous years 1 464 610 1 464 610 - 2 022 292 2 022 292 - 557 682 -
          Retained earnings from previous years 1 464 610 1 464 610 - 2 022 292 2 022 292 - 557 682 -
        Current year profit 567 096 567 096 - 40 676 40 676 - -526 420 -
          Current year retained earnings 567 096 567 096 - 40 676 40 676 - -526 420 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 6 397 279 6 276 405 120 874 6 513 109 6 386 500 126 609 110 095 5 735
Contingent liabilities -2 617 542 -2 617 542 - -2 485 202 -2 485 202 - 132 340 -
Collateral on loans 7 134 669 7 013 795 120 874 7 122 607 6 995 998 126 609 -17 797 5 735
Unprocessed payments 2 092 300 2 092 300 - 2 088 169 2 088 169 - -4 131 -
Other off-balance sheet accounts -212 148 -212 148 - -212 465 -212 465 - -317 -
Credit card balances 9 668 9 668 - 9 613 9 613 - -55 -
Past due ratio, total 1 547 1 557 -10 1 613 1 626 -13 69 -3
Past due ratio, individuals 462 463 -1 597 599 -2 135 -0
Past due ratio, corporates 2 256 2 304 -48 2 246 2 297 -51 -7 -3
Past due ratio, entrepreneurs 8 575 8 575 -0 9 006 9 006 -0 431 -0
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 2 547 2 605 -58 2 543 2 605 -62 -0 -4
Risk-weighted assets 15 203 999 15 203 999 - 15 244 416 15 244 416 - 40 417 -
Past-due rate: 15,47% 15,57% 11,13% 16,13% 16,26% 10,84% 0,69% -0,29%  
corporate clients: 25,47% 26,05% 12,02% 25,43% 26,05% 11,70% -0,00% -0,32%  
individuals: 4,62% 4,63% 0,00% 5,97% 5,99% 0,00% 1,35% 0,00%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.