Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of РУСЮГБАНК, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
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  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 2093  complies with 214-FZ (equity construction)

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 8 029 991 7 698 965 331 026 8 214 560 7 907 365 307 195 208 400 -23 831
High liquid assets 870 973 539 972 331 001 1 064 007 756 836 307 171 216 864 -23 830
Interest-earning assets 6 696 702 6 696 702 - 6 637 386 6 637 386 - -59 316 -
  Dues from banks 632 594 632 594 - 732 594 732 594 - 100 000 -
  Securities 255 368 255 368 - 256 372 256 372 - 1 004 -
     Bonds 255 368 255 368 - 256 372 256 372 - 1 004 -  
  Loans to corporate clients 4 824 830 4 824 830 - 4 680 688 4 680 688 - -144 142 -  
     residents 5 576 782 5 576 782 - 5 416 851 5 416 851 - -159 931 -
     Past-due 36 423 36 423 - 37 571 37 571 - 1 148 -
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -788 375 -788 375 - -773 734 -773 734 - 14 641 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 849 472 849 472 - 870 728 870 728 - 21 256 -
  Loans to individuals 134 438 134 438 - 97 004 97 004 - -37 434 -  
Other assets 462 316 462 291 25 513 167 513 143 24 50 852 -1
LIABILITIES 6 340 420 6 033 978 306 442 6 525 586 6 223 346 302 240 189 368 -4 202
Dues to banks 150 000 150 000 - 150 000 150 000 - - -
  Term 150 000 150 000 - 150 000 150 000 - - -
     Residents 150 000 150 000 - 150 000 150 000 - - -
On demand 1 200 901 1 150 157 50 744 1 239 851 1 164 030 75 821 13 873 25 077
  Corporate clients 1 130 163 1 103 768 26 395 1 169 182 1 124 706 44 476 20 938 18 081
  Individuals 70 738 46 389 24 349 70 669 39 324 31 345 -7 065 6 996
Term 4 831 384 4 641 544 189 840 4 992 882 4 816 542 176 340 174 998 -13 500
  Corporate clients 581 830 581 830 - 585 908 585 908 - 4 078 -  
  Individuals 4 249 554 4 059 714 189 840 4 406 974 4 230 634 176 340 170 920 -13 500  
Securities issued 78 840 16 840 62 000 66 914 16 840 50 074 - -11 926
  Promissory notes 65 500 3 500 62 000 53 574 3 500 50 074 - -11 926  
  Depositary certificates 13 340 13 340 - 13 340 13 340 - - -
Other liabilities 79 295 75 437 3 858 75 939 75 934 5 497 -3 853
EQUITY 1 689 571 1 689 571 - 1 688 975 1 688 975 - -596 -
        Capital 736 670 736 670 - 734 809 734 809 - -1 861 -
        Profit from previous years 926 614 926 614 - 926 614 926 614 - - -
          Retained earnings from previous years 926 614 926 614 - 926 614 926 614 - - -
        Current year profit 26 535 26 535 - 27 064 27 064 - 529 -
          Current year retained earnings 26 535 26 535 - 27 064 27 064 - 529 -
        Future expenses -248 -248 - 488 488 - 736 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 9 467 858 9 405 858 62 000 9 474 985 9 424 910 50 075 19 052 -11 925
Unused credit limits available 300 000 300 000 - 300 000 300 000 - - -
Contingent liabilities -1 149 745 -1 149 745 - -1 331 792 -1 331 792 - -182 047 -
Collateral on loans 9 649 353 9 587 353 62 000 9 725 652 9 675 577 50 075 88 224 -11 925
Unprocessed payments 737 472 737 472 - 849 313 849 313 - 111 841 -
Other off-balance sheet accounts -69 222 -69 222 - -68 188 -68 188 - 1 034 -
Past due ratio, total 99 99 0 103 103 -0 4 -0
Past due ratio, individuals 52 52 0 72 72 -0 20 -0
Past due ratio, corporates 65 65 0 69 69 0 4 0
Past due ratio, entrepreneurs 314 314 0 301 301 -0 -12 -1
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 100 100 0 104 104 0 4 0
Risk-weighted assets 9 255 257 9 255 257 - 9 316 941 9 316 941 - 61 684 -
Past-due rate: 0,99% 0,99% - 1,03% 1,03% - 0,04% 0,00%  
corporate clients: 1,00% 1,00% - 1,04% 1,04% - 0,04% 0,00%  
individuals: 0,52% 0,52% - 0,72% 0,72% - 0,20% 0,00%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.