Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of ЛАНТА-БАНК, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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    at 1 February 2022
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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 1920  CB RF representativecomplies with 214-FZ (equity construction)

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 34 792 042 20 469 346 14 322 696 34 682 093 17 633 910 17 048 183 -2 835 436 2 725 487
High liquid assets 13 785 117 1 859 274 11 925 843 17 817 820 1 636 069 16 181 751 -223 205 4 255 908
Interest-earning assets 18 383 737 15 994 349 2 389 388 14 014 870 13 388 795 626 075 -2 605 554 -1 763 313
  Dues from banks 8 029 331 5 807 424 2 221 907 3 576 496 3 207 437 369 059 -2 599 987 -1 852 848
  Securities 3 091 170 3 079 266 11 904 3 162 586 3 065 908 96 678 -13 358 84 774
     Bonds 3 056 817 3 056 817 - 3 128 016 3 043 242 84 774 -13 575 84 774  
     Stocks 34 353 22 449 11 904 34 570 22 666 11 904 217 -
  Loans to corporate clients 5 917 919 5 762 342 155 577 5 937 872 5 777 534 160 338 15 192 4 761  
     residents 6 039 305 5 904 794 134 511 5 938 102 5 799 475 138 627 -105 319 4 116
     non-residents 21 018 - 21 018 21 661 - 21 661 - 643
     Past-due 646 207 646 159 48 662 096 662 046 50 15 887 2
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -788 611 -788 611 - -683 987 -683 987 - 104 624 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 422 292 422 292 - 416 989 416 989 - -5 303 -
  Loans to individuals 923 025 923 025 - 920 927 920 927 - -2 098 -  
Other assets 2 623 188 2 615 723 7 465 2 849 403 2 609 046 240 357 -6 677 232 892
LIABILITIES 32 306 408 15 968 834 16 337 574 32 119 647 14 844 040 17 275 607 -1 124 794 938 033
Dues to banks 26 410 114 26 296 27 092 114 26 978 - 682
  On demand 24 787 14 24 773 25 397 14 25 383 - 610
  Term 1 623 100 1 523 1 695 100 1 595 - 72
     Non-residents 1 623 100 1 523 1 695 100 1 595 - 72
On demand 13 308 537 6 543 763 6 764 774 14 085 799 6 737 278 7 348 521 193 515 583 747
  Corporate clients 10 052 017 5 950 293 4 101 724 10 683 577 6 259 512 4 424 065 309 219 322 341
  Individuals 2 062 268 576 983 1 485 285 2 160 977 450 606 1 710 371 -126 377 225 086
  Brokerage accounts 1 194 252 16 487 1 177 765 1 241 245 27 160 1 214 085 10 673 36 320
Term 17 822 978 8 292 433 9 530 545 16 570 336 6 693 887 9 876 449 -1 598 546 345 904
  Corporate clients 3 535 228 3 535 228 - 1 227 910 1 227 910 - -2 307 318 -  
  Individuals 14 287 750 4 757 205 9 530 545 15 342 426 5 465 977 9 876 449 708 772 345 904  
Securities issued 231 574 225 408 6 166 231 866 225 408 6 458 - 292
  Promissory notes 231 574 225 408 6 166 231 866 225 408 6 458 - 292  
Other liabilities 916 909 907 116 9 793 1 204 554 1 187 353 17 201 280 237 7 408
EQUITY 2 485 634 2 485 634 - 2 562 446 2 562 446 - 76 812 -
        Capital 939 318 939 318 - 909 783 909 783 - -29 535 -
        Profit from previous years 1 457 288 1 457 288 - 1 511 267 1 511 267 - 53 979 -
          Retained earnings from previous years 1 457 288 1 457 288 - 1 511 267 1 511 267 - 53 979 -
        Current year profit 89 028 89 028 - 141 396 141 396 - 52 368 -
          Current year retained earnings 89 028 89 028 - 141 396 141 396 - 52 368 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 14 248 530 14 223 744 24 786 13 947 245 13 921 283 25 962 -302 461 1 176
Unused credit limits available 295 112 295 112 - 275 555 275 555 - -19 557 -
Contingent liabilities -2 183 529 -2 183 529 - -2 167 091 -2 167 091 - 16 438 -
Collateral on loans 9 768 466 9 743 727 24 739 9 446 458 9 420 545 25 913 -323 182 1 174
Unprocessed payments 7 086 444 7 086 397 47 7 110 306 7 110 257 49 23 860 2
Other off-balance sheet accounts -717 963 -717 963 - -717 983 -717 983 - -20 -
Credit card balances - - - 9 9 - 9 -
Past due ratio, total 813 829 -16 843 860 -17 31 -1
Past due ratio, individuals 110 110 -0 110 110 -0 0 -0
Past due ratio, corporates 964 986 -22 1 000 1 025 -25 38 -2
Past due ratio, entrepreneurs 2 2 0 1 1 0 -1 -0
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 906 926 -20 940 962 -22 36 -2
Risk-weighted assets 16 959 170 16 959 170 - 17 765 285 17 765 285 - 806 115 -
Past-due rate: 8,13% 8,29% 0,03% 8,43% 8,60% 0,03% 0,31% 0,00%  
corporate clients: 9,06% 9,26% 0,03% 9,40% 9,62% 0,03% 0,36% 0,00%  
individuals: 1,10% 1,10% - 1,10% 1,10% - 0,00% 0,00%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.