Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of БУЛГАР БАНК, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • Belarussian banks - 39
  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 1917

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 2 063 428 1 999 042 64 386 1 715 077 1 711 513 3 564 -287 529 -60 822
High liquid assets 365 072 300 863 64 209 38 076 34 512 3 564 -266 351 -60 645
Interest-earning assets 1 555 871 1 555 694 177 1 351 282 1 351 282 - -204 412 -177
  Dues from banks 95 755 95 578 177 5 041 5 041 - -90 537 -177
  Securities 506 310 506 310 - 195 414 195 414 - -310 896 -
     Bonds 382 501 382 501 - 80 973 80 973 - -301 528 -  
     Promissory notes 25 036 25 036 - 15 668 15 668 - -9 368 -  
     Stocks 98 773 98 773 - 98 773 98 773 - - -
  Loans to corporate clients 782 557 782 557 - 975 829 975 829 - 193 272 -  
     residents 790 769 790 769 - 944 423 944 423 - 153 654 -
     Past-due - - - 84 216 84 216 - 84 216 -
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -8 212 -8 212 - -52 810 -52 810 - -44 598 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 10 081 10 081 - 4 670 4 670 - -5 411 -
  Loans to individuals 161 168 161 168 - 170 328 170 328 - 9 160 -  
Other assets 142 485 142 485 - 325 719 325 719 - 183 234 -
LIABILITIES 1 724 009 1 659 235 64 774 1 432 839 1 393 389 39 450 -265 846 -25 324
Dues to banks 248 248 - - - - -248 -
  On demand 248 248 - - - - -248 -
On demand 202 219 195 862 6 357 64 984 64 466 518 -131 396 -5 839
  Corporate clients 165 368 163 946 1 422 39 752 39 752 - -124 194 -1 422
  Individuals 36 851 31 916 4 935 25 232 24 714 518 -7 202 -4 417
Term 1 469 922 1 411 842 58 080 1 318 843 1 280 162 38 681 -131 680 -19 399
  Corporate clients 85 454 85 454 - 20 002 20 002 - -65 452 -  
  Individuals 1 384 468 1 326 388 58 080 1 298 841 1 260 160 38 681 -66 228 -19 399  
Securities issued 41 41 - - - - -41 -
  Promissory notes 41 41 - - - - -41 -  
Other liabilities 51 579 51 242 337 49 012 48 761 251 -2 481 -86
EQUITY 339 419 339 419 - 282 238 282 238 - -57 181 -
        Capital 299 936 299 936 - 299 936 299 936 - - -
        Profit from previous years 36 658 36 658 - 36 658 36 658 - - -
          Retained earnings from previous years 36 658 36 658 - 36 658 36 658 - - -
        Current year profit 2 144 2 144 - -56 759 -56 759 - -58 903 -
          Current year retained earnings 2 144 2 144 - -56 759 -56 759 - -58 903 -
        Future expenses 681 681 - 2 403 2 403 - 1 722 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 813 645 813 645 - 658 790 658 790 - -154 855 -
Contingent liabilities -56 103 -56 103 - -15 782 -15 782 - 40 321 -
Collateral on loans 799 913 799 913 - 590 394 590 394 - -209 519 -
Unprocessed payments 73 719 73 719 - 86 993 86 993 - 13 274 -
Other off-balance sheet accounts -3 884 -3 884 - -2 815 -2 815 - 1 069 -
Credit card balances 618 618 - 687 687 - 69 -
Past due ratio, total 46 46 -0 741 741 -0 695 0
Past due ratio, individuals 274 274 -0 302 302 -0 28 -0
Past due ratio, corporates - - - 819 819 0 819 0
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs - - - 814 814 -0 814 -0
Risk-weighted assets 2 169 994 2 169 994 - 1 929 513 1 929 513 - -240 481 -
Past-due rate: 0,46% 0,46% - 7,41% 7,41% - 6,95% 0,00%  
corporate clients: 0,00% 0,00% - 8,14% 8,14% - 8,14% 0,00%  
individuals: 2,74% 2,74% - 3,02% 3,02% - 0,28% 0,00%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.