Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of СВЯЗЬ-БАНК, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
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  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 1470  state-controlledCB RF representativecomplies with 214-FZ (equity construction)complies with 213-FZ (work with state companies)complies with 185-FZ (work with housing and utilities infrastructure)

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 217 053 553 193 137 498 23 916 055 181 516 627 141 908 546 39 608 081 -51 228 952 15 692 026
High liquid assets 9 583 357 7 086 253 2 497 104 37 311 906 6 660 890 30 651 016 -425 363 28 153 912
Interest-earning assets 207 426 346 188 412 207 19 014 139 146 590 236 137 739 393 8 850 843 -50 672 814 -10 163 296
  Dues from banks 24 301 717 12 135 098 12 166 619 5 290 500 2 988 290 2 302 210 -9 146 808 -9 864 409
  Securities 77 358 023 77 358 023 - 38 508 750 38 508 750 - -38 849 273 -
     Bonds 72 720 636 72 720 636 - 33 838 895 33 838 895 - -38 881 741 -  
     Promissory notes 4 637 381 4 637 381 - 4 669 849 4 669 849 - 32 468 -  
     Stocks 6 6 - 6 6 - - -
  Loans to corporate clients 26 104 301 19 512 162 6 592 139 25 394 483 19 071 166 6 323 317 -440 996 -268 822  
     residents 23 557 026 23 557 026 - 23 117 512 23 117 512 - -439 514 -
     non-residents 220 382 - 220 382 207 933 - 207 933 - -12 449
     state-owned enterprises 2 866 2 866 - 2 866 2 866 - - -
     Past-due 29 932 521 23 560 764 6 371 757 29 413 663 23 298 279 6 115 384 -262 485 -256 373
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -27 608 494 -27 608 494 - -27 347 491 -27 347 491 - 261 003 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 22 400 22 393 7 20 740 20 736 4 -1 657 -3
  Loans to individuals 79 639 905 79 384 531 255 374 77 375 763 77 150 451 225 312 -2 234 080 -30 062  
Other assets 43 850 -2 360 962 2 404 812 -2 385 515 -2 491 737 106 222 -130 775 -2 298 590
LIABILITIES 197 605 191 162 143 130 35 462 061 161 345 187 128 101 723 33 243 464 -34 041 407 -2 218 597
Dues to banks 52 026 983 51 689 012 337 971 40 246 165 40 059 636 186 529 -11 629 376 -151 442
  On demand 496 580 163 303 333 277 40 242 693 40 059 506 183 187 39 896 203 -150 090
  Term 51 525 709 51 525 709 - - - - -51 525 709 -
     Residents 50 725 709 50 725 709 - - - - -50 725 709 -
     Non-residents 800 000 800 000 - - - - -800 000 -
        Other dues to banks 4 694 - 4 694 3 472 130 3 342 130 -1 352
On demand 44 720 624 24 164 373 20 556 251 35 210 624 15 053 777 20 156 847 -9 110 596 -399 404
  Corporate clients 33 218 448 14 400 836 18 817 612 24 801 021 6 438 017 18 363 004 -7 962 819 -454 608
  Individuals 11 499 863 9 761 224 1 738 639 10 407 341 8 613 498 1 793 843 -1 147 726 55 204
  Brokerage accounts 2 313 2 313 - 2 262 2 262 - -51 -
Term 95 691 203 81 353 749 14 337 454 82 150 091 69 455 947 12 694 144 -11 897 802 -1 643 310
  Corporate clients 18 320 150 18 223 644 96 506 9 084 976 8 993 490 91 486 -9 230 154 -5 020  
  Individuals 77 371 053 63 130 105 14 240 948 73 065 115 60 462 457 12 602 658 -2 667 648 -1 638 290  
Securities issued 83 604 63 077 20 527 82 803 63 336 19 467 259 -1 060
        Bonds 4 857 4 857 - 4 857 4 857 - - -  
  Promissory notes 78 747 58 220 20 527 77 946 58 479 19 467 259 -1 060  
Other liabilities 5 082 777 4 872 919 209 858 3 655 504 3 469 027 186 477 -1 403 892 -23 381
EQUITY 19 448 362 19 448 362 - 20 171 440 20 171 440 - 723 078 -
        Capital 52 257 915 52 257 915 - 52 241 912 52 241 912 - -16 003 -
        Profit from previous years -32 119 254 -32 119 254 - -32 070 472 -32 070 472 - 48 782 -
          Retained earnings from previous years -32 119 254 -32 119 254 - -32 070 472 -32 070 472 - 48 782 -
        Current year profit -690 299 -690 299 - - - - 690 299 -
          Current year retained earnings -690 299 -690 299 - - - - 690 299 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 293 087 359 293 349 745 -262 386 263 767 382 263 912 391 -145 009 -29 437 354 117 377
Unused credit limits available 21 575 000 21 575 000 - 19 845 000 19 845 000 - -1 730 000 -
Contingent liabilities -22 222 764 -21 453 633 -769 131 -19 298 147 -18 639 817 -658 330 2 813 816 110 801
Collateral on loans 213 708 209 212 902 736 805 473 209 826 338 209 106 678 719 660 -3 796 058 -85 813
Unprocessed payments 110 649 092 110 649 077 15 83 962 470 83 962 459 11 -26 686 618 -4
Other off-balance sheet accounts -30 622 178 -30 323 435 -298 743 -30 568 279 -30 361 929 -206 350 -38 494 92 393
Credit card balances 166 656 166 656 - 126 755 126 755 - -39 901 -
Past due ratio, total 2 575 2 219 356 2 611 2 265 346 46 -10
Past due ratio, individuals 732 712 20 781 763 18 51 -2
Past due ratio, corporates 5 573 5 000 573 5 577 5 019 558 19 -15
Past due ratio, entrepreneurs 9 611 9 611 -0 9 593 9 593 0 -19 1
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 5 586 5 017 569 5 589 5 035 554 18 -15
Risk-weighted assets 176 925 525 176 925 525 - 199 459 169 199 459 169 - 22 533 644 -
Past-due rate: 25,75% 22,19% 95,93% 26,11% 22,65% 96,00% 0,46% 0,07%  
corporate clients: 55,86% 50,17% 96,66% 55,89% 50,35% 96,71% 0,18% 0,05%  
individuals: 7,32% 7,12% 77,16% 7,81% 7,63% 76,13% 0,51% -1,02%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.