Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of СНЕЖИНСКИЙ, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • Belarussian banks - 39
  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 1376  retail funding

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 9 524 098 8 643 530 880 568 9 586 166 8 794 141 792 025 150 611 -88 543
High liquid assets 582 224 498 203 84 021 592 679 521 475 71 204 23 272 -12 817
Interest-earning assets 8 306 825 8 231 430 75 395 8 326 278 8 247 013 79 265 15 583 3 870
  Dues from banks 670 000 670 000 - 1 000 000 1 000 000 - 330 000 -
  Securities 5 231 702 5 156 307 75 395 5 066 914 4 987 649 79 265 -168 658 3 870
     Bonds 5 231 702 5 156 307 75 395 5 066 914 4 987 649 79 265 -168 658 3 870  
  Loans to corporate clients 1 490 733 1 490 733 - 1 370 340 1 370 340 - -120 393 -  
     residents 2 155 946 2 155 946 - 2 125 762 2 125 762 - -30 184 -
     state-owned enterprises 125 000 125 000 - - - - -125 000 -
     Past-due 222 251 222 251 - 221 819 221 819 - -432 -
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -1 012 464 -1 012 464 - -977 241 -977 241 - 35 223 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 53 008 53 008 - 51 779 51 779 - -1 229 -
  Loans to individuals 861 382 861 382 - 837 245 837 245 - -24 137 -  
Other assets 635 049 -86 103 721 152 667 209 25 653 641 556 111 756 -79 596
LIABILITIES 7 121 467 6 960 479 160 988 7 225 469 7 083 989 141 480 123 510 -19 508
Dues to banks 17 726 - 17 726 79 047 79 047 - 79 047 -17 726
        Other dues to banks 17 726 - 17 726 79 047 79 047 - 79 047 -17 726
On demand 1 853 001 1 783 601 69 400 2 023 132 1 954 013 69 119 170 412 -281
  Corporate clients 1 022 942 1 012 557 10 385 1 207 631 1 198 746 8 885 186 189 -1 500
  Individuals 830 043 771 028 59 015 815 484 755 250 60 234 -15 778 1 219
  Brokerage accounts 16 16 - 17 17 - 1 -
Term 5 026 630 4 952 768 73 862 4 870 420 4 798 062 72 358 -154 706 -1 504
  Corporate clients 369 700 369 700 - 147 400 147 400 - -222 300 -  
  Individuals 4 656 930 4 583 068 73 862 4 723 020 4 650 662 72 358 67 594 -1 504  
Securities issued 9 073 9 073 - 9 073 9 073 - - -
  Promissory notes 9 073 9 073 - 9 073 9 073 - - -  
Other liabilities 215 037 215 037 - 243 797 243 794 3 28 757 3
EQUITY 2 402 631 2 402 631 - 2 360 697 2 360 697 - -41 934 -
        Capital 155 756 155 756 - 3 306 3 306 - -152 450 -
        Profit from previous years 2 035 733 2 035 733 - 2 255 023 2 255 023 - 219 290 -
          Retained earnings from previous years 2 035 733 2 035 733 - 2 255 023 2 255 023 - 219 290 -
        Current year profit 211 142 211 142 - 102 368 102 368 - -108 774 -
          Current year retained earnings 211 142 211 142 - 102 368 102 368 - -108 774 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 12 588 725 12 588 725 - 12 403 592 12 403 592 - -185 133 -
Contingent liabilities -1 375 710 -1 375 710 - -1 575 153 -1 575 153 - -199 443 -
Collateral on loans 13 547 743 13 547 743 - 13 587 434 13 587 434 - 39 691 -
Unprocessed payments 454 020 454 020 - 429 587 429 587 - -24 433 -
Other off-balance sheet accounts -37 328 -37 328 - -38 276 -38 276 - -948 -
Credit card balances 397 397 - 243 243 - -154 -
Past due ratio, total 773 773 -0 822 822 0 49 0
Past due ratio, individuals 376 376 -0 406 406 0 29 1
Past due ratio, corporates 888 888 0 945 945 0 57 -0
Past due ratio, entrepreneurs 2 692 2 692 -0 2 741 2 741 0 49 0
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 948 948 0 1 007 1 007 -0 60 -1
Risk-weighted assets 9 767 050 9 767 050 - 9 917 147 9 917 147 - 150 097 -
Past-due rate: 7,73% 7,73% - 8,22% 8,22% - 0,49% 0,00%  
corporate clients: 9,48% 9,48% - 10,07% 10,07% - 0,60% 0,00%  
individuals: 3,76% 3,76% - 4,06% 4,06% - 0,29% 0,00%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.