Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of АГРОХИМБАНК, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
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    at 1 February 2022
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    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 119

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 3 647 674 3 285 860 361 814 1 813 883 1 797 227 16 656 -1 488 633 -345 158
High liquid assets 258 921 207 883 51 038 22 661 17 481 5 180 -190 402 -45 858
Interest-earning assets 3 022 807 2 819 200 203 607 1 670 446 1 659 017 11 429 -1 160 183 -192 178
  Dues from banks 164 861 13 600 151 261 5 024 - 5 024 -13 600 -146 237
  Securities 544 515 515 167 29 348 512 604 512 604 - -2 563 -29 348
     Bonds 230 473 201 125 29 348 26 264 26 264 - -174 861 -29 348  
     Promissory notes 314 042 314 042 - 486 340 486 340 - 172 298 -  
  Loans to corporate clients 2 206 799 2 206 799 - 1 125 994 1 125 994 - -1 080 805 -  
     residents 2 479 236 2 479 236 - 1 412 004 1 412 004 - -1 067 232 -
     Past-due 26 042 26 042 - 21 477 21 477 - -4 565 -
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -298 479 -298 479 - -307 487 -307 487 - -9 008 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 29 480 29 324 156 9 452 9 290 162 -20 034 6
  Loans to individuals 96 332 73 490 22 842 36 041 29 798 6 243 -43 692 -16 599  
        Provision for impairment of loans past-due -19 180 -19 180 - -18 669 -18 669 - 511 -
Other assets 365 946 258 777 107 169 120 776 120 729 47 -138 048 -107 122
LIABILITIES 3 120 167 2 752 036 368 131 1 479 328 1 427 702 51 626 -1 324 334 -316 505
Dues to banks 197 087 183 815 13 272 8 8 - -183 807 -13 272
  On demand 15 15 - 8 8 - -7 -
  Term 197 072 183 800 13 272 - - - -183 800 -13 272
     Residents 197 072 183 800 13 272 - - - -183 800 -13 272
On demand 2 019 959 1 820 513 199 446 686 226 645 811 40 415 -1 174 702 -159 031
  Corporate clients 1 726 657 1 625 488 101 169 439 000 410 938 28 062 -1 214 550 -73 107
  Individuals 288 238 189 961 98 277 247 019 234 666 12 353 44 705 -85 924
  Brokerage accounts 5 064 5 064 - 207 207 - -4 857 -
Term 582 811 535 630 47 181 272 014 262 145 9 869 -273 485 -37 312
  Corporate clients 18 029 18 004 25 30 4 26 -18 000 1  
  Individuals 564 782 517 626 47 156 271 984 262 141 9 843 -255 485 -37 313  
Securities issued 46 225 46 225 - 2 094 2 094 - -44 131 -
  Promissory notes 46 225 46 225 - 2 094 2 094 - -44 131 -  
Other liabilities 274 085 165 853 108 232 518 986 517 644 1 342 351 791 -106 890
EQUITY 527 507 527 524 -17 334 555 334 564 -9 -192 960 8
        Capital 518 752 518 752 - 525 000 525 000 - 6 248 -
        Profit from previous years 19 779 19 779 - 19 779 19 779 - - -
          Retained earnings from previous years 19 779 19 779 - 19 779 19 779 - - -
        Current year profit 3 709 3 709 - -197 410 -197 410 - -201 119 -
          Current year retained earnings 3 709 3 709 - -197 410 -197 410 - -201 119 -
        Future expenses -14 733 -14 716 -17 -12 814 -12 805 -9 1 911 8
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 1 397 929 1 401 957 -4 028 858 465 861 207 -2 742 -540 750 1 286
Contingent liabilities -205 334 -201 246 -4 088 -133 136 -130 301 -2 835 70 945 1 253
Collateral on loans 1 605 017 1 605 017 - 987 948 987 948 - -617 069 -
Other off-balance sheet accounts -1 754 -1 814 60 3 653 3 560 93 5 374 33
Credit card balances 2 891 2 830 61 3 535 3 459 76 629 15
Past due ratio, total 108 108 -0 158 157 1 49 1
Past due ratio, individuals 127 154 -27 208 240 -32 87 -6
Past due ratio, corporates 104 104 0 150 150 0 46 0
Past due ratio, entrepreneurs 354 304 50 1 027 883 144 580 93
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 107 106 1 156 155 1 49 0
Past-due rate: 1,08% 1,08% 0,68% 1,58% 1,57% 2,53% 0,49% 1,85%  
corporate clients: 1,07% 1,06% 100,00% 1,56% 1,55% 100,00% 0,49% 0,00%  
individuals: 1,27% 1,54% 0,00% 2,08% 2,40% 0,00% 0,87% 0,00%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.