Kuap. Ru - Percent balance, analysis of profitability of the bank БАНК РСБ24, cost of resources of commercial bank

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    at 1 February 2022
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    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 1073

На странице представлен так называемый «процентный баланс» банка - средние ставки операций размещения и привлечения средств. Средние остатки рассчитаны как среднее арифметическое между отчетными датами, входящими в расчетный период. Ставки приведены к годовой.

total in roubles in foreign crnc.
average balance income/expense rate, % p.a. average balance income/expense rate, % p.a. average balance income/expense rate, % p.a.
ASSETS 39 969 213 2 987 068 10,0% 33 090 051 2 819 933 11,4% 6 879 156 167 135 3,2%
High liquid assets 3 439 834 4 604 0,2% 1 602 943 4 603 0,4% 1 836 889 1 0,0%
Interest-earning assets 21 739 333 2 982 464 18,3% 16 784 642 2 815 330 22,4% 4 954 687 167 134 4,5%
  Dues from banks 827 270 29 761 4,8% 502 840 28 822 7,6% 324 429 939 0,4%
  Securities 12 939 994 1 075 900 11,1% 8 901 313 934 843 14,0% 4 038 681 141 057 4,7%
     Bonds 12 759 726 1 063 962 11,1% 8 721 045 922 905 14,1% 4 038 681 141 057 4,7%
     Promissory notes 180 264 11 938 8,8% 180 264 11 938 8,8% - - -
          Stocks 4 - - 4 - - - - -
  Loans to corporate clients 3 782 976 543 895 19,2% 3 520 200 543 205 20,6% 262 775 690 0,4%
          residents 3 191 224 531 471 22,2% 3 181 288 530 781 22,2% 9 935 690 9,3%
          non-residents 252 840 12 424 6,6% - 12 424 - 252 840 - -
          Past-due 338 912 - - 338 912 - - - - -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 33 711 1 247 4,9% 33 711 1 247 4,9% - - -
  Loans to individuals 4 155 382 1 331 661 42,7% 3 826 578 1 307 213 45,5% 328 802 24 448 9,9%
Other assets 14 790 046 - - 14 702 466 - - 87 580 - -
LIABILITIES 32 266 076 2 894 735 12,0% 27 151 912 2 834 797 13,9% 5 114 159 59 938 1,6%
Dues to banks 11 492 075 738 471 8,6% 7 768 895 725 594 12,5% 3 723 178 12 877 0,5%
  On demand 2 383 651 35 535 2,0% 1 155 924 30 966 3,6% 1 227 727 4 569 0,5%
  Term 9 108 424 702 936 10,3% 6 612 971 694 628 14,0% 2 495 451 8 308 0,4%
          Central Bank of Russia 8 717 429 678 381 10,4% 6 481 442 678 381 14,0% 2 235 986 - -
          Residents 226 766 16 232 9,5% 131 529 16 157 16,4% 95 236 75 0,1%
          Non-residents 164 229 8 323 6,8% - 90 - 164 229 8 233 6,7%
On demand 1 828 527 45 019 3,3% 1 657 349 44 926 3,6% 171 177 93 0,1%
  Corporate clients 1 035 464 4 573 0,6% 944 438 4 480 0,6% 91 025 93 0,1%
  Individuals 792 533 40 446 6,8% 712 381 40 446 7,6% 80 152 - -
        Brokerage accounts 530 - - 530 - - - - -
Term 17 594 244 2 103 889 15,9% 16 483 424 2 056 992 16,6% 1 110 819 46 897 5,6%
  Corporate clients 1 418 766 146 390 13,8% 1 418 766 146 390 13,8% - - -
  Individuals 16 175 478 1 957 499 16,1% 15 064 658 1 910 602 16,9% 1 110 819 46 897 5,6%
Securities issued 113 961 7 356 8,6% 109 060 7 285 8,9% 4 900 71 1,9%
        Bonds 94 553 6 287 8,9% 94 553 6 287 8,9% - - -
        Promissory notes 19 408 1 069 7,3% 14 507 998 9,2% 4 900 71 1,9%
Other liabilities 1 237 269 - - 1 133 184 - - 104 085 - -
EQUITY 7 703 141 - - 7 703 069 - - 71 - -
Equity and retained earnings 3 618 742 - - 3 618 670 - - 71 - -
Provision on assets 4 084 399 - - 4 084 399 - - - - -