Kuap. Ru - Percent balance, analysis of profitability of the bank ИНТЕРКОММЕРЦ, cost of resources of commercial bank

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
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    at 1 February 2022
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    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 1657

На странице представлен так называемый «процентный баланс» банка - средние ставки операций размещения и привлечения средств. Средние остатки рассчитаны как среднее арифметическое между отчетными датами, входящими в расчетный период. Ставки приведены к годовой.

total in roubles in foreign crnc.
average balance income/expense rate, % p.a. average balance income/expense rate, % p.a. average balance income/expense rate, % p.a.
ASSETS 91 353 121 13 697 528 15,0% 76 075 225 12 996 512 17,1% 15 277 891 701 016 4,6%
High liquid assets 7 721 311 271 0,0% 4 615 733 223 0,0% 3 105 577 48 0,0%
Interest-earning assets 78 055 513 13 697 257 17,5% 67 428 669 12 996 289 19,3% 10 626 841 700 968 6,6%
  Dues from banks 2 817 873 180 513 6,4% 2 746 946 180 513 6,6% 70 926 - -
  Securities 12 083 324 780 872 6,5% 7 838 115 677 807 8,6% 4 245 209 103 065 2,4%
     Bonds 11 029 243 663 615 6,0% 6 784 034 560 550 8,3% 4 245 209 103 065 2,4%
     Promissory notes 986 198 117 257 11,9% 986 198 117 257 11,9% - - -
          Stocks 67 883 - - 67 883 - - - - -
  Loans to corporate clients 59 178 880 12 225 686 20,7% 54 739 831 11 824 888 21,6% 4 439 048 400 798 9,0%
          residents 57 515 996 12 217 621 21,2% 53 207 602 11 816 823 22,2% 4 308 394 400 798 9,3%
          non-residents 4 505 - - 4 505 - - - - -
          state-owned enterprises 19 077 8 065 42,3% 19 077 8 065 42,3% - - -
          Past-due 1 639 302 - - 1 508 647 - - 130 654 - -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 1 993 426 21,4% 1 993 426 21,4% - - -
  Loans to individuals 3 973 443 509 760 12,8% 2 101 784 312 655 14,9% 1 871 658 197 105 10,5%
Other assets 5 576 297 - - 4 030 823 - - 1 545 473 - -
LIABILITIES 80 854 682 9 292 225 11,5% 59 319 307 8 221 442 13,9% 21 535 370 1 070 783 5,0%
Dues to banks 3 615 185 286 494 7,9% 1 881 322 205 861 10,9% 1 733 862 80 633 4,7%
  On demand 37 271 475 1,3% 34 516 475 1,4% 2 754 - -
  Term 3 577 914 286 019 8,0% 1 846 806 205 386 11,1% 1 731 108 80 633 4,7%
          Central Bank of Russia 728 798 77 899 10,7% 728 798 77 899 10,7% - - -
          Residents 2 377 028 191 824 8,1% 1 118 008 127 487 11,4% 1 259 020 64 337 5,1%
          Non-residents 472 088 16 296 3,5% - - - 472 088 16 296 3,5%
On demand 17 963 258 465 924 2,6% 10 397 097 211 674 2,0% 7 566 160 254 250 3,4%
  Corporate clients 16 407 794 429 862 2,6% 9 291 850 175 612 1,9% 7 115 943 254 250 3,6%
  Individuals 1 552 157 36 062 2,3% 1 101 940 36 062 3,3% 450 217 - -
        Brokerage accounts 3 307 - - 3 307 - - - - -
Term 58 176 151 8 505 353 14,6% 46 169 144 7 770 269 16,8% 12 007 005 735 084 6,1%
  Corporate clients 4 729 438 345 768 7,3% 4 067 503 327 147 8,0% 661 934 18 621 2,8%
  Individuals 53 446 713 8 159 585 15,3% 42 101 641 7 443 122 17,7% 11 345 071 716 463 6,3%
Securities issued 358 451 34 454 9,6% 340 570 33 638 9,9% 17 881 816 4,6%
        Promissory notes 358 451 34 454 9,6% 340 570 33 638 9,9% 17 881 816 4,6%
Other liabilities 741 637 - - 531 174 - - 210 462 - -
EQUITY 10 498 440 - - 10 498 300 - - 140 - -
Equity and retained earnings 6 427 298 - - 6 427 158 - - 140 - -
Provision on assets 4 071 142 - - 4 071 142 - - - - -