Kuap. Ru - Banks' financial statements,ТРОЙКА, liquidity ratios, 110-I, 180-I, f. 135, N1, N2, N3, N4

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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 2051

In this table you can see information on values of mandatory liquidity ratios set by the Central Bank of Russia (computed in accordance with CBR's Instruction 180-i). If data is available for more than 2 dates, dynamics chart is available (requires a flash-player).

We strive to represent all Russian banks' reports on our website which we believe would help to make Russian banking system more transparent. If your bank's reports are currently not present in our database, you can include our email info@kuap.ru into your monthly reports mailing list for counterparties or use report sending form to send us any reports.

 Dynamics of N2  Dynamics of LAM  Dynamics of N3  Dynamics of LAT
Report date N1 1) N2 2) N3 3) N4 4) Download source file
1 September 2010 36,56% 18,05%
LAM = 15 193
OVM = 84 169
LAT = 121 846
OVT = 133 838
1 August 2010 36,25% 21,56%
LAM = 20 186
OVM = 93 625
LAT = 127 018
OVT = 93 941
1 July 2010 44,71% 34,11%
LAM = 30 748
OVM = 90 143
LAT = 146 676
OVT = 90 530
1) N1 (N1.0) - capital adequacy ratio. It's equal to equity divided by risk-weighted assets. Minimum value is set by the Central Bank of Russia at 10%.
2) N2 - quick liquidity ratio. It shows bank's ability to fulfill it's on demand liabilities. Minimum value is set by the Central Bank of Russia at 15%.
3) N3 - current liquidity ratio. It shows bank's ability to fulfill it's current liabilities (due in less than 30 days from report date). Minimum value is set by the Central Bank of Russia at 50%.
4) N3 - long-term liquidity ratio. It limits bank's long-term investments. Maximum value is set by the Central Bank of Russia at 120%.