Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of 50 КРУПНЕЙШИХ БАНКОВ, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • Belarussian banks - 39
  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 110 111 017 704 85 952 684 521 24 158 333 183 111 818 606 829 86 638 299 785 25 180 307 044 685 615 264 1 021 973 861
High liquid assets 6 859 416 152 4 182 212 544 2 677 203 608 8 328 224 590 4 889 084 829 3 439 139 761 706 872 285 761 936 153
Interest-earning assets 94 139 241 261 75 178 588 675 18 960 652 586 93 446 830 449 74 634 157 479 18 812 672 970 -544 431 196 -147 979 616
  Dues from banks 12 661 191 590 8 215 458 813 4 445 732 777 11 371 653 094 7 560 690 272 3 810 962 822 -654 768 541 -634 769 955
  Securities 15 522 131 273 12 509 776 682 3 012 354 591 15 432 978 343 12 293 394 830 3 139 583 513 -216 381 852 127 228 922
     Bonds 14 527 946 066 11 538 790 522 2 989 155 544 14 401 372 022 11 284 305 735 3 117 066 287 -254 484 787 127 910 743  
     Promissory notes 29 278 328 29 278 328 - 29 553 851 29 553 851 - 275 523 -  
     Stocks 374 958 588 356 414 622 18 543 966 411 079 537 393 217 392 17 862 145 36 802 770 -681 821
          Mutual funds 589 948 291 585 293 210 4 655 081 590 972 933 586 317 852 4 655 081 1 024 642 -
  Loans to corporate clients 43 526 272 338 32 073 392 798 11 452 879 540 43 986 273 979 32 176 535 630 11 809 738 349 103 142 832 356 858 809  
     residents 37 337 299 278 30 792 821 068 6 544 478 210 37 613 922 600 30 915 374 234 6 698 548 366 122 553 166 154 070 156
     non-residents 5 388 648 110 953 264 750 4 435 383 360 5 572 102 663 975 321 779 4 596 780 884 22 057 029 161 397 524
     state-owned enterprises 1 523 016 263 1 377 734 176 145 282 087 1 539 141 246 1 387 725 127 151 416 119 9 990 951 6 134 032
     Past-due 2 888 766 111 2 561 030 228 327 735 883 2 907 603 681 2 544 610 701 362 992 980 -16 419 527 35 257 097
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -3 611 457 424 -3 611 457 424 - -3 646 496 211 -3 646 496 211 - -35 038 787 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 547 824 984 547 307 157 517 827 548 610 767 548 051 929 558 838 744 772 41 011
  Loans to individuals 21 881 821 076 21 832 653 225 49 167 851 22 107 314 266 22 055 484 818 51 829 448 222 831 593 2 661 597  
Other assets 9 112 360 291 6 591 883 302 2 520 476 989 10 043 551 790 7 115 057 477 2 928 494 313 523 174 175 408 017 324
LIABILITIES 99 666 970 274 74 755 731 424 24 911 238 850 101 527 742 923 75 468 125 836 26 059 617 087 712 394 412 1 148 378 237
Dues to banks 14 555 033 833 10 623 761 368 3 931 272 465 14 476 096 109 11 158 179 306 3 317 916 803 534 417 938 -613 355 662
  On demand 953 149 526 413 443 203 539 706 323 879 172 578 312 301 154 566 871 424 -101 142 049 27 165 101
  Term 13 455 253 261 10 147 741 191 3 307 512 070 13 390 364 660 10 748 832 092 2 641 532 568 601 090 901 -665 979 502
     Central Bank of Russia 3 055 125 369 3 055 125 369 - 3 257 409 324 3 257 409 324 - 202 283 955 -
     Residents 9 874 391 471 7 022 888 870 2 851 502 601 9 557 925 845 7 431 841 867 2 126 083 978 408 952 997 -725 418 623
     Non-residents 525 736 421 69 726 952 456 009 469 575 029 491 59 580 901 515 448 590 -10 146 051 59 439 121
        Other dues to banks 146 631 046 62 576 974 84 054 072 206 558 871 97 046 060 109 512 811 34 469 086 25 458 739
On demand 34 031 734 609 25 529 182 849 8 502 551 760 35 717 836 887 25 702 040 826 10 015 796 061 172 857 977 1 513 244 301
  Corporate clients 16 788 567 658 11 685 671 432 5 102 896 226 19 215 259 453 12 615 302 427 6 599 957 026 929 630 995 1 497 060 800
  Individuals 16 431 621 979 13 630 467 667 2 801 154 312 15 661 280 514 12 822 241 525 2 839 038 989 -808 226 142 37 884 677
  Brokerage accounts 811 544 972 213 043 750 598 501 222 841 296 920 264 496 874 576 800 046 51 453 124 -21 701 176
Term 45 000 544 718 33 267 165 508 11 733 379 210 45 032 999 726 33 111 089 972 11 921 909 754 -156 075 536 188 530 544
  Corporate clients 25 984 861 995 18 005 262 096 7 979 599 899 25 691 750 042 17 629 955 107 8 061 794 935 -375 306 989 82 195 036  
  Individuals 19 015 682 723 15 261 903 412 3 753 779 311 19 341 249 684 15 481 134 865 3 860 114 819 219 231 453 106 335 508  
Securities issued 2 884 559 738 2 642 060 382 242 499 356 2 878 723 930 2 625 975 824 252 748 106 -16 084 558 10 248 750
        Bonds 2 617 033 664 2 434 682 063 182 351 601 2 612 106 054 2 421 936 651 190 169 403 -12 745 412 7 817 802  
  Promissory notes 262 264 256 202 116 501 60 147 755 261 397 768 198 819 065 62 578 703 -3 297 436 2 430 948  
  Depositary certificates 5 261 818 5 261 818 - 5 220 108 5 220 108 - -41 710 -
Other liabilities 3 195 097 376 2 693 561 317 501 536 059 3 422 086 271 2 870 839 908 551 246 363 177 278 591 49 710 304
EQUITY 10 444 047 430 10 444 047 430 - 10 290 863 906 10 290 863 906 - -153 183 524 -
        Capital 4 054 091 320 4 054 091 320 - 3 886 063 195 3 886 063 195 - -168 028 125 -
        Profit from previous years 4 162 081 328 4 162 081 328 - 6 273 938 048 6 273 938 048 - 2 111 856 720 -
          Retained earnings from previous years 4 162 081 328 4 162 081 328 - 6 273 938 048 6 273 938 048 - 2 111 856 720 -
        Current year profit 2 227 874 782 2 227 874 782 - 130 862 663 130 862 663 - -2 097 012 119 -
          Current year retained earnings 2 227 874 782 2 227 874 782 - 130 862 663 130 862 663 - -2 097 012 119 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 37 641 572 831 36 212 968 175 1 428 604 656 38 394 545 492 36 643 588 032 1 750 957 460 430 619 857 322 352 804
Unused credit limits available 4 067 882 480 3 760 155 760 307 726 720 3 924 643 253 3 556 903 747 367 739 506 -203 252 013 60 012 786
Contingent liabilities -38 291 951 772 -33 078 994 110 -5 212 957 662 -38 565 628 477 -33 118 122 068 -5 447 506 409 -39 127 958 -234 548 747
Collateral on loans 68 030 668 991 61 867 783 172 6 162 885 819 69 207 158 425 62 578 354 099 6 628 804 326 710 570 927 465 918 507
Unprocessed payments 5 481 840 880 5 070 276 428 411 564 452 5 455 214 978 5 002 125 159 453 089 819 -68 151 269 41 525 367
Other off-balance sheet accounts -1 646 867 748 -1 406 253 075 -240 614 673 -1 626 842 687 -1 375 672 905 -251 169 782 30 580 170 -10 555 109
Past-due rate: 5,72% 6,24% 3,02% 5,73% 6,22% 3,23% -0,02% 0,21%  
corporate clients: 6,16% 7,20% 2,86% 6,14% 7,14% 3,07% -0,07% 0,21%  
individuals: 4,82% 4,75% 40,37% 4,89% 4,82% 38,73% 0,07% -1,64%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.