Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of АВТОВАЗБАНК, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
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  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 23  under resolutionretail fundingCB RF representative

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 31 036 481 -59 006 162 90 042 643 31 301 293 -58 178 781 89 480 074 827 381 -562 569
High liquid assets 17 396 11 095 6 301 20 022 13 835 6 187 2 740 -114
Interest-earning assets 19 940 484 -50 014 406 69 954 890 20 334 628 -53 375 762 73 710 390 -3 361 356 3 755 500
  Dues from banks 12 585 777 12 585 777 - 12 981 904 12 981 904 - 396 127 -
  Securities 1 374 849 1 374 849 - 1 413 973 1 413 973 - 39 124 -
     Stocks 1 374 849 1 374 849 - 1 413 973 1 413 973 - 39 124 -
  Loans to corporate clients 5 703 566 -63 154 115 68 857 681 5 647 402 -66 955 960 72 603 362 -3 801 845 3 745 681  
     residents 9 922 172 4 590 552 5 331 620 9 800 007 4 539 447 5 260 560 -51 105 -71 060
     non-residents 5 313 558 - 5 313 558 - - - - -5 313 558
     Past-due 221 823 795 163 611 292 58 212 503 264 797 405 197 454 603 67 342 802 33 843 311 9 130 299
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -231 355 959 -231 355 959 - -268 950 010 -268 950 010 - -37 594 051 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 1 111 1 111 - 627 627 - -484 -
  Loans to individuals 275 181 -822 028 1 097 209 290 722 -816 306 1 107 028 5 722 9 819  
Other assets 11 078 601 -9 002 851 20 081 452 10 946 643 -4 816 854 15 763 497 4 185 997 -4 317 955
LIABILITIES 369 221 376 369 216 098 5 278 369 365 631 369 360 470 5 161 144 372 -117
Dues to banks 367 746 520 367 746 520 - 367 746 520 367 746 520 - - -
  Term 367 746 520 367 746 520 - 367 746 520 367 746 520 - - -
     Central Bank of Russia 367 746 520 367 746 520 - 367 746 520 367 746 520 - - -
On demand 18 300 15 829 2 471 18 208 15 756 2 452 -73 -19
  Corporate clients 5 005 4 993 12 5 192 5 184 8 191 -4
  Individuals 13 295 10 836 2 459 13 016 10 572 2 444 -264 -15
Term 63 451 61 098 2 353 61 495 59 325 2 170 -1 773 -183
  Corporate clients 5 662 5 662 - 5 662 5 662 - - -  
  Individuals 57 789 55 436 2 353 55 833 53 663 2 170 -1 773 -183  
Other liabilities 1 393 105 1 392 651 454 1 539 408 1 538 869 539 146 218 85
EQUITY -338 184 895 -338 184 895 - -338 064 339 -338 064 339 - 120 556 -
        Capital 2 223 093 2 223 093 - 2 223 093 2 223 093 - - -
        Profit from previous years -339 797 592 -339 797 592 - -339 797 592 -339 797 592 - - -
          Retained earnings from previous years -339 797 592 -339 797 592 - -339 797 592 -339 797 592 - - -
        Current year profit -610 396 -610 396 - -489 840 -489 840 - 120 556 -
          Current year retained earnings -610 396 -610 396 - -489 840 -489 840 - 120 556 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 93 443 167 84 207 751 9 235 416 99 971 826 87 596 693 12 375 133 3 388 942 3 139 717
Contingent liabilities -23 268 059 -20 006 848 -3 261 211 -17 908 848 -17 908 848 - 2 098 000 3 261 211
Collateral on loans 117 048 729 104 552 004 12 496 725 118 250 198 105 874 968 12 375 230 1 322 964 -121 495
Unprocessed payments 40 796 40 796 - 13 144 13 144 - -27 652 -
Other off-balance sheet accounts -378 299 -378 201 -98 -382 668 -382 571 -97 -4 370 1
Past due ratio, total - - - 9 645 9 771 -126 9 771 -126
Past due ratio, individuals - - - 9 710 9 671 39 9 671 39
Past due ratio, corporates - - - 9 643 9 775 -132 9 775 -132
Past due ratio, entrepreneurs - - - 10 000 10 000 - 10 000 -
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs - - - 9 643 9 775 -132 9 775 -132
Past-due rate: 93,70% 97,24% 84,78% 96,45% 97,71% 92,86% 0,47% 8,08%  
corporate clients: 93,57% 97,27% 84,54% 96,43% 97,75% 92,75% 0,48% 8,21%  
individuals: 97,00% 96,59% 100,00% 97,10% 96,71% 100,00% 0,12% 0,00%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.