Kuap. Ru - Percent balance, analysis of profitability of the bank ПЕТРОКОММЕРЦ, cost of resources of commercial bank

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
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  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
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    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 1776

На странице представлен так называемый «процентный баланс» банка - средние ставки операций размещения и привлечения средств. Средние остатки рассчитаны как среднее арифметическое между отчетными датами, входящими в расчетный период. Ставки приведены к годовой.

total in roubles in foreign crnc.
average balance income/expense rate, % p.a. average balance income/expense rate, % p.a. average balance income/expense rate, % p.a.
ASSETS 286 796 022 7 267 114 10,1% 236 284 044 6 145 633 10,4% 50 511 973 1 121 481 8,9%
High liquid assets 38 350 014 689 062 7,2% 31 551 947 689 055 8,7% 6 798 065 7 0,0%
Interest-earning assets 190 908 674 6 578 052 13,8% 149 223 604 5 456 578 14,6% 41 685 067 1 121 474 10,8%
  Dues from banks 23 099 573 683 296 11,8% 16 619 783 671 741 16,2% 6 479 790 11 555 0,7%
  Securities 44 381 286 898 902 8,1% 34 353 351 612 586 7,1% 10 027 935 286 316 11,4%
     Bonds 37 383 716 869 942 9,3% 27 355 782 583 626 8,5% 10 027 934 286 316 11,4%
     Promissory notes 994 786 28 960 11,6% 994 786 28 960 11,6% - - -
          Stocks 6 002 784 - - 6 002 783 - - 1 - -
  Loans to corporate clients 90 594 980 3 706 510 16,4% 66 555 966 2 938 262 17,7% 24 039 012 768 248 12,8%
          residents 62 542 005 3 498 004 22,4% 46 266 689 2 770 373 24,0% 16 275 315 727 631 17,9%
          non-residents 7 901 599 192 886 9,8% 4 464 729 152 269 13,6% 3 436 870 40 617 4,7%
          state-owned enterprises 152 750 15 620 40,9% 152 750 15 620 40,9% - - -
          Past-due 19 998 626 - - 15 671 798 - - 4 326 827 - -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 1 818 838 73 293 16,1% 1 818 838 73 293 16,1% - - -
  Loans to individuals 31 013 997 1 216 051 15,7% 29 875 666 1 160 696 15,5% 1 138 330 55 355 19,5%
Other assets 57 537 334 - - 55 508 493 - - 2 028 841 - -
LIABILITIES 245 750 214 5 753 614 9,4% 161 636 171 4 721 280 11,7% 84 114 032 1 032 334 4,9%
Dues to banks 17 102 966 555 140 13,0% 14 580 523 536 887 14,7% 2 522 439 18 253 2,9%
  On demand 445 943 - - 317 764 - - 128 177 - -
  Term 16 657 023 555 140 13,3% 14 262 759 536 887 15,1% 2 394 262 18 253 3,0%
          Central Bank of Russia 11 744 624 457 604 15,6% 11 744 604 457 604 15,6% 19 - -
          Residents 3 035 086 79 283 10,4% 2 518 155 79 283 12,6% 516 930 - -
          Non-residents 1 877 313 18 253 3,9% - - - 1 877 313 18 253 3,9%
On demand 37 991 244 313 988 3,3% 30 268 953 312 683 4,1% 7 722 287 1 305 0,1%
  Corporate clients 26 068 660 303 803 4,7% 19 954 260 303 292 6,1% 6 114 398 511 0,0%
  Individuals 11 750 033 10 185 0,3% 10 142 142 9 391 0,4% 1 607 889 794 0,2%
        Brokerage accounts 172 551 - - 172 551 - - - - -
Term 144 317 295 3 486 169 9,7% 71 719 698 2 482 581 13,8% 72 597 594 1 003 588 5,5%
  Corporate clients 73 677 094 2 103 115 11,4% 39 568 827 1 490 087 15,1% 34 108 265 613 028 7,2%
  Individuals 70 640 201 1 383 054 7,8% 32 150 871 992 494 12,3% 38 489 329 390 560 4,1%
Securities issued 41 664 980 1 398 317 13,4% 40 941 415 1 389 129 13,6% 723 565 9 188 5,1%
        Bonds 39 000 000 1 338 124 13,7% 39 000 000 1 338 124 13,7% - - -
        Promissory notes 1 404 944 28 900 8,2% 681 379 19 712 11,6% 723 565 9 188 5,1%
        Depositary certificates 1 260 036 31 293 9,9% 1 260 036 31 293 9,9% - - -
Other liabilities 4 673 729 - - 4 125 582 - - 548 147 - -
EQUITY 41 045 810 - - 41 045 810 - - - - -
Equity and retained earnings 17 795 226 - - 17 795 226 - - - - -
Provision on assets 23 250 584 - - 23 250 584 - - - - -