Kuap. Ru - Banks' financial statements,ИНТЕРРАСЧЕТ, liquidity ratios, 110-I, 180-I, f. 135, N1, N2, N3, N4

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • Belarussian banks - 39
  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 1618

In this table you can see information on values of mandatory liquidity ratios set by the Central Bank of Russia (computed in accordance with CBR's Instruction 180-i). If data is available for more than 2 dates, dynamics chart is available (requires a flash-player).

We strive to represent all Russian banks' reports on our website which we believe would help to make Russian banking system more transparent. If your bank's reports are currently not present in our database, you can include our email info@kuap.ru into your monthly reports mailing list for counterparties or use report sending form to send us any reports.

 Dynamics of N2  Dynamics of LAM  Dynamics of N3  Dynamics of LAT
Report date N1 1) N2 2) N3 3) N4 4) Download source file
1 April 2016 22,89%       1618_2016_04.135.zip
1 March 2016 24,32%       1618_2016_03.135.zip
1 February 2016 31,05%       1618_2016_02.135.zip
1 January 2016 31,40%       1618_2016_01.135.zip
1 December 2015 34,38%       1618_2015_12.135.zip
1 November 2015 35,68%       1618_2015_11.135.zip
1 October 2015 37,16%       1618_2015_10.135.zip
1 September 2015 33,04%       1618_2015_09.135.zip
1 August 2015 34,99%       1618_2015_08.135.zip
1 July 2015 37,53%       1618_2015_07.135.zip
1 June 2015 28,96%       1618_2015_06.135.zip
1 May 2015 30,96%       1618_2015_05.135.zip
1 April 2015 33,44%       1618_2015_04.135.zip
1 March 2015 28,71%       1618_2015_03.135.zip
1 February 2015 30,45%       1618_2015_02.135.zip
1 January 2015 32,87%       1618_2015_01.135.zip
1 December 2014 30,38%       1618_2014_12.135.zip
1 November 2014 32,76%       1618_2014_11.135.zip
1 October 2014 34,19%       1618_2014_10.135.zip
1 September 2014 29,92%       1618_2014_09.135.zip
1 August 2014 32,20%       1618_2014_08.135.zip
1 July 2014 20,05%       1618_2014_07.135.zip
1 June 2014 18,87%       1618_2014_06.135.zip
1 May 2014 18,74%       1618_2014_05.135.zip
1 April 2014 17,41%       1618_2014_04.135.zip
1 March 2014 18,10%       1618_2014_03.135.zip
1 February 2014 19,10%       1618_2014_02.135.zip
1 January 2014 22,17%       1618_2014_01.135.zip
1 December 2013 23,10%       1618_2013_12.135.zip
1 November 2013 23,67%       1618_2013_11.135.zip
1 October 2013 23,79%       1618_2013_10.135.zip
1 September 2013 23,36%       1618_2013_09.135.zip
1 August 2013 22,49%       1618_2013_08.135.zip
1 July 2013 21,21%       1618_2013_07.135.zip
1 June 2013 21,45%       1618_2013_06.135.zip
1 May 2013 21,48%       1618_2013_05.135.zip
1 April 2013 21,91%       1618_2013_04.135.zip
1 March 2013 24,00%       1618_2013_03.135.zip
1 February 2013 25,97%       1618_2013_02.135.zip
1 January 2013 25,77%       1618_2013_01.135.zip
1 December 2012 26,86%       1618_2012_12.135.zip
1 November 2012 25,63%       1618_2012_11.135.zip
1 October 2012 26,73%       1618_2012_10.135.zip
1 September 2012 27,55%       1618_2012_09.135.zip
1 August 2012 25,61%       1618_2012_08.135.zip
1 July 2012 27,57%       1618_2012_07.135.zip
1 June 2012 27,19%       1618_2012_06.135.zip
1 May 2012 32,59%       1618_2012_05.135.zip
1 April 2012 32,42%       1618_2012_04.135.zip
1 March 2012 34,05%       1618_2012_03.135.zip
1 February 2012 35,91%       1618_2012_02.135.zip
1 January 2012 32,07% 94,49%
LAM = 69 479
OVM = 73 531
LAT = 100 589
OVT = 74 082
34,96% 1618_2012_01.135.zip
1 December 2011 47,44% 89,16%
LAM = 78 613
OVM = 88 171
LAT = 131 479
OVT = 89 150
23,07% 1618_2011_12.135.zip
1 November 2011 41,79% 71,51%
LAM = 59 054
OVM = 82 581
LAT = 106 942
OVT = 82 991
16,70% 1618_2011_11.135.zip
1 October 2011 33,03% 58,19%
LAM = 49 997
OVM = 85 920
LAT = 96 447
OVT = 87 251
17,95% 1618_2011_10.135.zip
1 September 2011 42,73% 78,77%
LAM = 77 268
OVM = 98 093
LAT = 136 813
OVT = 102 898
16,82% 1618_2011_09.135.zip
1 August 2011 40,82% 65,53%
LAM = 54 060
OVM = 82 497
LAT = 100 204
OVT = 88 755
5,25% 1618_2011_08.135.zip
1 July 2011 42,31% 66,91%
LAM = 66 359
OVM = 99 176
LAT = 121 981
OVT = 104 213
0,43% 1618_2011_07.135.zip
1 June 2011 44,32% 60,10%
LAM = 44 786
OVM = 74 519
LAT = 100 141
OVT = 77 216
0,25% 1618_2011_06.135.zip
1 May 2011 45,72% 67,40%
LAM = 49 846
OVM = 73 955
LAT = 98 935
OVT = 78 092
4,19% 1618_2011_05.135.zip
1 April 2011 45,19% 63,45%
LAM = 53 203
OVM = 83 851
LAT = 106 088
OVT = 88 260
3,04% 1618_2011_04.135.zip
1 March 2011 47,83% 71,93%
LAM = 57 409
OVM = 79 813
LAT = 100 823
OVT = 84 825
3,22% 1618_2011_03.135.zip
1 February 2011 47,89% 56,83%
LAM = 46 475
OVM = 81 779
LAT = 105 811
OVT = 86 186
3,74% 1618_2011_02.135.zip
1 January 2011 52,08% 69,94%
LAM = 69 652
OVM = 99 588
LAT = 112 450
OVT = 102 938
3,84% 1618_2011_01.135.zip
1 December 2010 47,78% 63,50%
LAM = 66 217
OVM = 104 278
LAT = 122 334
OVT = 107 916
7,02% 1618_2010_12.135.zip
1 November 2010 53,17% 75,27%
LAM = 69 830
OVM = 92 773
LAT = 106 717
OVT = 95 300
8,63% 1618_2010_11.135.zip
1 October 2010 51,20% 68,37%
LAM = 49 424
OVM = 72 289
LAT = 82 938
OVT = 74 834
10,26% 1618_2010_10.135.zip
1 September 2010 46,98% 53,18%
LAM = 42 587
OVM = 80 081
LAT = 77 171
OVT = 82 492
10,37% 1618_2010_09.135.zip
1 August 2010 51,01% 57,23%
LAM = 32 861
OVM = 57 419
LAT = 61 726
OVT = 61 523
10,49% 1618_2010_08.135.zip
1) N1 (N1.0) - capital adequacy ratio. It's equal to equity divided by risk-weighted assets. Minimum value is set by the Central Bank of Russia at 10%.
2) N2 - quick liquidity ratio. It shows bank's ability to fulfill it's on demand liabilities. Minimum value is set by the Central Bank of Russia at 15%.
3) N3 - current liquidity ratio. It shows bank's ability to fulfill it's current liabilities (due in less than 30 days from report date). Minimum value is set by the Central Bank of Russia at 50%.
4) N3 - long-term liquidity ratio. It limits bank's long-term investments. Maximum value is set by the Central Bank of Russia at 120%.