Kuap. Ru - Methodik der Finanzkennzahlen Berechnungsbank, Roa, RoE Berechnung der Zinsüberschuss Berechnung


Архив рассылки

  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • белорусских банков - 39
  • Balances (F. 101), ratios (F. 135) and capital (F. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (F. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022

Calculation methodics

Key financial ratios

Description of calculation principles and formulas from computation of key financial ratios used on our website.

Return ratios are based on average balance sheet amounts. Quarter average is computed as arithmetic average for 4 report dates. For example, average net assets for Q1 will be equal to net assets on the following report dates: (01.01+01.02+01.03+01.04)/4. Year averages (for ratios computed on YTD basis) are arithmetic averages on quarter averages since the beginning of the year.

RoA (Return on Assets) and RoE (Return on Equity) values presented on our website are naturally RoAA (Return on Average Assets) and RoAE (Return on Average Equity) respectively. Nominator is equal to retained earnings for the period (profit before dividends and other distributions). Denominator equals to quarter or year averages (depending on the computation period) of net assets or equity (by balance sheet, not by form 134).

Net interest income is equal to difference between interest income and interest expenses.

Net fee and commission income is equal to difference between commission income and commission expenses.