Kuap. Ru - Percent balance, Analyse des profitability of the bank ЦЕНТРКОМБАНК, cost of resources of commercial bank


Архив рассылки

  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • белорусских банков - 39
  • Balances (F. 101), ratios (F. 135) and capital (F. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (F. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 2983

На странице представлен так называемый «процентный баланс» банка - средние ставки операций размещения и привлечения средств. Средние остатки рассчитаны как среднее арифметическое между отчетными датами, входящими в расчетный период. Ставки приведены к годовой.

total in roubles in foreign crnc.
average balance income/expense rate, % p.a. average balance income/expense rate, % p.a. average balance income/expense rate, % p.a.
ASSETS 15 261 493 448 108 5,9% 12 943 925 373 507 5,8% 2 317 570 74 601 6,4%
High liquid assets 838 865 590 0,1% 410 531 495 0,2% 428 334 95 0,0%
Interest-earning assets 8 465 830 447 518 10,6% 6 591 743 373 012 11,3% 1 874 089 74 506 8,0%
  Dues from banks 111 039 2 345 4,2% 16 025 1 259 15,7% 95 015 1 086 2,3%
  Securities 920 843 - - 920 843 - - - - -
          Stocks 920 843 - - 920 843 - - - - -
  Loans to corporate clients 5 932 878 341 070 11,5% 4 343 679 278 219 12,8% 1 589 199 62 851 7,9%
          residents 5 792 904 341 070 11,8% 4 250 675 278 219 13,1% 1 542 229 62 851 8,2%
          Past-due 139 974 - - 93 004 - - 46 970 - -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 538 974 32 219 12,0% 483 251 29 445 12,2% 55 723 2 774 10,0%
  Loans to individuals 962 096 71 884 14,9% 827 945 64 089 15,5% 134 152 7 795 11,6%
Other assets 5 956 798 - - 5 941 651 - - 15 147 - -
LIABILITIES 9 232 789 458 546 9,9% 6 944 064 402 807 11,6% 2 288 724 55 739 4,9%
Dues to banks 859 429 46 222 10,8% 859 429 46 222 10,8% - - -
  Term 859 429 46 222 10,8% 859 429 46 222 10,8% - - -
          Residents 859 429 46 222 10,8% 859 429 46 222 10,8% - - -
On demand 785 581 9 868 2,5% 682 448 9 667 2,8% 103 134 201 0,4%
  Corporate clients 432 254 2 389 1,1% 382 227 2 389 1,3% 50 028 - -
  Individuals 353 327 7 479 4,2% 300 221 7 278 4,8% 53 106 201 0,8%
Term 6 879 205 389 576 11,3% 5 049 212 337 650 13,4% 1 829 991 51 926 5,7%
  Corporate clients 153 365 10 046 13,1% 153 365 10 046 13,1% - - -
  Individuals 6 725 840 379 530 11,3% 4 895 847 327 604 13,4% 1 829 991 51 926 5,7%
Securities issued 500 996 12 880 5,1% 206 454 9 268 9,0% 294 542 3 612 2,5%
        Promissory notes 500 996 12 880 5,1% 206 454 9 268 9,0% 294 542 3 612 2,5%
Other liabilities 207 578 - - 146 521 - - 61 057 - -
EQUITY 6 028 705 - - 6 028 705 - - - - -
Equity and retained earnings 3 446 622 - - 3 446 622 - - - - -
Provision on assets 2 582 083 - - 2 582 083 - - - - -