Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of БАНК СГБ (СЕВЕРГАЗБАНК), analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
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  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 2816  CB RF representativecomplies with 214-FZ (equity construction)

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 65 965 729 55 894 521 10 071 208 71 085 605 62 722 421 8 363 184 6 827 900 -1 708 024
High liquid assets 3 352 083 2 581 239 770 844 5 508 005 4 420 015 1 087 990 1 838 776 317 146
Interest-earning assets 55 351 318 51 053 838 4 297 480 57 960 418 54 741 816 3 218 602 3 687 978 -1 078 878
  Dues from banks 30 415 634 27 799 254 2 616 380 33 318 688 31 748 474 1 570 214 3 949 220 -1 046 166
  Securities 6 522 961 5 122 267 1 400 694 6 297 361 4 942 404 1 354 957 -179 863 -45 737
     Bonds 6 337 800 4 937 106 1 400 694 6 137 429 4 782 472 1 354 957 -154 634 -45 737  
     Stocks 185 161 185 161 - 159 932 159 932 - -25 229 -
  Loans to corporate clients 7 234 317 6 954 525 279 792 7 264 794 6 971 713 293 081 17 188 13 289  
     residents 7 020 992 7 020 992 - 7 036 150 7 036 150 - 15 158 -
     non-residents 279 792 - 279 792 293 081 - 293 081 - 13 289
     Past-due 332 663 332 663 - 353 510 353 510 - 20 847 -
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -399 130 -399 130 - -417 947 -417 947 - -18 817 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 924 378 924 378 - 907 893 907 893 - -16 485 -
  Loans to individuals 10 254 028 10 253 414 614 10 171 682 10 171 332 350 -82 082 -264  
Other assets 7 262 328 2 259 444 5 002 884 7 617 182 3 560 590 4 056 592 1 301 146 -946 292
LIABILITIES 61 439 514 57 255 884 4 183 630 66 815 232 62 613 454 4 201 778 5 357 570 18 148
Dues to banks 3 120 491 3 120 491 - 3 121 401 3 121 401 - 910 -
  Term 3 120 491 3 120 491 - 3 121 401 3 121 401 - 910 -
     Central Bank of Russia 340 491 340 491 - 389 991 389 991 - 49 500 -
     Residents 2 780 000 2 780 000 - 2 731 410 2 731 410 - -48 590 -
On demand 27 703 074 26 876 396 826 678 31 475 064 30 575 349 899 715 3 698 953 73 037
  Corporate clients 22 982 461 22 411 980 570 481 27 236 434 26 570 460 665 974 4 158 480 95 493
  Individuals 4 701 385 4 447 560 253 825 4 160 082 3 940 155 219 927 -507 405 -33 898
  Brokerage accounts 19 228 16 856 2 372 78 548 64 734 13 814 47 878 11 442
Term 27 138 206 25 269 504 1 868 702 28 204 940 26 464 549 1 740 391 1 195 045 -128 311
  Corporate clients 15 602 648 15 402 038 200 610 17 082 182 16 872 054 210 128 1 470 016 9 518  
  Individuals 11 535 558 9 867 466 1 668 092 11 122 758 9 592 495 1 530 263 -274 971 -137 829  
Securities issued 2 739 852 1 254 000 1 485 852 2 810 348 1 254 000 1 556 348 - 70 496
        Bonds 1 250 000 1 250 000 - 1 250 000 1 250 000 - - -  
  Promissory notes 1 489 852 4 000 1 485 852 1 560 348 4 000 1 556 348 - 70 496  
Other liabilities 737 891 735 493 2 398 1 203 479 1 198 155 5 324 462 662 2 926
EQUITY 4 526 215 4 526 215 - 4 270 373 4 270 373 - -255 842 -
        Capital 739 050 739 050 - 500 139 500 139 - -238 911 -
        Profit from previous years 3 202 534 3 202 534 - 3 681 865 3 681 865 - 479 331 -
          Retained earnings from previous years 3 202 534 3 202 534 - 3 681 865 3 681 865 - 479 331 -
        Current year profit 584 631 584 631 - 88 369 88 369 - -496 262 -
          Current year retained earnings 584 631 584 631 - 88 369 88 369 - -496 262 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 23 959 197 24 028 193 -68 996 27 983 718 28 055 108 -71 390 4 026 915 -2 394
Contingent liabilities -9 309 387 -9 240 391 -68 996 -6 650 258 -6 578 868 -71 390 2 661 523 -2 394
Collateral on loans 31 264 663 31 264 663 - 31 199 952 31 199 952 - -64 711 -
Unprocessed payments 2 444 479 2 444 479 - 3 874 413 3 874 413 - 1 429 934 -
Other off-balance sheet accounts -440 558 -440 558 - -440 389 -440 389 - 169 -
Credit card balances 17 617 17 003 614 20 906 20 556 350 3 553 -264
Past due ratio, total 517 525 -8 535 543 -8 18 -0
Past due ratio, individuals 574 574 -0 588 588 -0 14 0
Past due ratio, corporates 436 452 -16 460 478 -18 26 -2
Past due ratio, entrepreneurs 505 505 0 517 517 -0 13 -1
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 444 458 -14 466 483 -17 24 -2
Risk-weighted assets 32 669 941 32 669 941 - 32 337 190 32 337 190 - -332 751 -
Past-due rate: 5,17% 5,25% 0,00% 5,35% 5,43% 0,00% 0,18% 0,00%  
corporate clients: 4,44% 4,58% 0,00% 4,66% 4,83% 0,00% 0,24% 0,00%  
individuals: 5,74% 5,74% 0,00% 5,88% 5,88% 0,00% 0,14% 0,00%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.